He loved her. It didn’t depend on which way the wind blew. Weston wasn’t that kind of guy. He hadn’t dated since Rayna — she’d really done a number on his self-esteem. But Paisley was different. She was worth holding out for, even when things seemed a little uncertain.

Weston leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Tate, I’m asking this as a personal favor, cousin to cousin.” That was a chip he’d never envisioned cashing in. “For my sake, please give Paisley a few more days. I promise I’m getting the celebration sorted out. Cadence is helping.”

At that, Tate’s eyebrows rose. “She is?”

“Graham, too. He’s confirmed some of the financial stuff I needed to know since the paper trail was… slim.”

“I see.” Tate let out a long breath.

“Don’t you remember falling in love?” Stephanie’s voice came from the doorway behind Weston.

He turned to look at his cousin’s wife. He didn’t know her well. Totally his own fault because he’d been the one holding back last year during their whirlwind courtship and sudden wedding. He hadn’t felt sure of his relationship to the Sullivans, didn’t know how to cope. And Stephanie had blasted right into their midst as Jamie’s nanny and swept Tate off his feet.

Weston had figured the guy had fallen much too easily. Maybe he understood a little better now.

Tate smiled at his wife, his face softening. “I do remember, sweetheart.”

“Then cut fresh love a little slack. I think Paisley and Weston are cute together. Give them a chance to see if they’ve got what it takes.”

Did they have what it took? This was a big test, but if Paisley returned — no. When Paisley returned, they’d sort through this. She’d explain, and then he’d understand.

Weston grinned at Stephanie. “Thanks. I think we’ve got it.”

“I hope you do.” But her focus was totally on her husband.

Suddenly, Weston felt like an intruder. He stood. “I should be going. I promise I’ll be in touch the minute I know something.”

Tate rose, too, before crossing the space and sliding one arm around his wife. “Please do. And my wife… she’s very convincing, but I might let her try a little harder.”

Stephanie stretched to kiss Tate.

Enough was enough. Weston saluted and headed for the door.



As Paisley entered the hospital room, Mom stretched her hand toward her. “There you are.”

This time, Paisley scanned the room before focusing on her mother. Whew. No Earl. “Hey, Mom. I hear you gave the nurses a little scare during the night.”

Mom winced as she shifted in the bed. “I guess I raised you girls right, despite it all. Don’t ever touch drugs.”

“I won’t.” Paisley took a seat and rubbed her mother’s arm. “You doing okay now? Was there anything in particular you wanted to talk to me about?” Besides Earl.

“Your father…”

Paisley shook her head. “Different subject, please.”


“No. He’s your business, not mine.”

“He would’ve done the right thing by you had he known.”

“That’s water under the bridge, and I’m sorry for badgering you about it when I was growing up. Thank you for keeping the secret, in fact.”

“He’s not so bad, Paisley.”