Weston and Harvey handed out the lunch bags, and everyone settled down to eat.
Paisley had noticed a few picky eaters in the dining hall last night, but there was no evidence now. Good. They didn’t have options along, having made sure to work around serious allergies. That had been Weston’s mom’s job.
Weston held out the bag for them to stow their trash before telling everyone to mount back up. For a minute, Paisley thought a kid or two might rebel, but they obviously thought better of that decision and clambered back on their horses. Groans filled the little clearing.
Yeah, she felt that to the bones herself. “Next stop, the lake!” she called, beckoning them to fall in behind her and Enchantment.
A low-key cheer came from someone.
The remainder of the ride was fairly quiet. They saw no wildlife beyond birds and a few squirrels, but that was okay, since any distractions would only drag the trip out.
Paisley had never been so glad to catch the glimmer of a distant lake. She pointed down the valley to the girls nearby. Back a ways, she could see Weston on Ranger, with the pack animals behind him. All present and accounted for.
Enchantment picked his way down the slope, while Paisley kept her ears peeled for issues behind her. But everyone made it down to the clearing in one piece. She breathed a prayer of thanks as she swung off the gelding and helped the girls dismount as needed.
“Where’s the restroom?” one of the girls asked. One who’d refused earlier.
Paisley pointed at the rough boards across the meadow. “Behind there.”
“Are you serious?”
The girl’s nose wrinkled.
“Look, it’s Elsa, right?”
The girl glowered.
“You’re on a trail ride and backcountry camping trip. We aren’t in the city or at some fancy camp for rich kids. I believe we explained all that in yesterday’s meeting. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to experience God’s gorgeous nature here in the mountains.”
One of Elsa’s shoulders lifted and fell.
Not impressed, huh? “So, unless you plan to hold it for the next three days, that over there is your toilet. Yours and all the female members of this group. Got it?”
The girl huffed and turned away. Not toward the latrine, Paisley noticed. But it would come. It would have to.
She showed the girls where to put their horses then turned to find Weston already removing tents and gear from the pack animals. She hurried over to help.
He pushed his hat back on his head and looked at her. “Still think this is going to be fun?”
Paisley mustered up a bright smile from somewhere down near her toenails. “Sure! Why not?”
Weston shook his head. “Bunch of pansies, that’s why.”
“They can’t help it. They’re here now, and it’s going to be amazing.” If only she believed it herself. “They’re going to remember this week for the rest of their lives.”
He snorted. “So will I. Next time you have such a brilliant idea, run it past me first, huh? Because I’ll shoot it down faster than you can blink.”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you first.”
“Figures.” He nudged two tents with his pointy cowboy boot. “These are for the girls. Figure you can manage them yourself?”
“No duh.”
“Just checking. Glad I don’t have to babysit everyone.”
Paisley leaned in a little more, her fists on her hips. “You don’t need to babysit me. I can hold my own.”