Page 52 of Cooper


“What do you mean an early Christmas present?” Bean gushes, eyes wide, jaw dropped.

“Well, I told your mama that I had something for you, and I just couldn’t wait until Christmas to give it to you. Gosh, I can’t upstage Santa, that would be wrong.” Cooper explains matter-of-factly to Bean.

Cooper was adamant that he wasn’t going to tell me how he’s going to tell Bean about the baby, and as hard as that was, I did respect his wishes. So, we sit here, at the table, eating cookies shaped like Christmas trees, with green and red colored candies all over them, while Bean just about crawls out of her skin with excitement.

He walks over to the front door and pulls a cardboard box from the front stoop. Carefully, he brings it inside and sets it on the table. It isn’t wrapped and it has holes in it, like it’s an old box of Christmas decorations. “Well, go ahead and open it.” Cooper says to Bean.

She rises and opens it, which is easy, since it’s not actually closed. As Bean looks inside, she cups her face with her hands, trying to ward off tears. “What is it, baby?” I ask, feeling her tears become contagious. Cooper assists, sticking his hand inside the box.

He pulls out a kitten.

Dressed in a tiny shirt.

Bean is crying happy tears, so much so, that she’s hiccuping. “Why don’t you read the shirt, darlin’?” Cooper says to Bean. It’s facing her so I can’t see it. She pulls the kitten to her chest. She’s so tiny that the shirt is much too big on her. The little white fluff ball wiggles in her hands as she reads aloud.

“I’m not the only baby coming to this house. Soon there will be two.”

I get it. But Bean isn’t catching on. “Does she have a brother or sister coming?”

Cooper smiles. “No, but you do.”

Her eyes widen. “You mean…”. She looks at me as she trails off. “Mommy, are you…are you going to have a baby?”

I nod. “That’s right, sweetheart.”

Bean hugs me with the cat, as awkward but adorable as that is. The kitten tries to crawl to me.

“Why don’t you let your mama hold her for a minute?” Cooper suggests.

“Do you want to, mommy?” Bean asks.

“I’d love to. Like you, baby, I’ve always wanted a cat.”

Bean hands me the kitten. I hold her close to my chest. She’s adorable. Tiny. With the tiniest little cries.

“Do you like her collar?” Cooper asks.

I lift her to take a look.

My face falls.

My jaw drops.

The cat is wearing an engagement ring around its neck. Hanging by a piece of wool. Cooper sees my reaction and takes the kitten from me gently, grinning warmly. He unties the wool and pulls the ring off. “What do you think, Bean? Can I marry your mama?” He asks, pinching the ring between his thumb and index finger.

“You bought me a kitten. You get a free pass.”

I chuckle tearfully, unable to believe what my eight-year-old just said. I make a mental note to ask her later where she heard that.

He goes down on one knee, still holding the ring in the same position and asks. “Darlin’, you and your daughter are the beat of my heart forever. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?”

I nod. The tears pour down my cheeks as he places the ring on my finger and kisses me tenderly. “I love you so much, baby.” He whispers to me.

“I love you, too.”

He holds me tight, as we sit, cheek to cheek, watching Bean cuddle the kitten, who is falling asleep on her arms. “I love her so much.” She gushes, kissing her head.