“Okay!” She says, not even complaining about the fact that she barely knows Liz. As long as she gets to be with the horses, she doesn’t care. It also helps that Liz is Nate’s mother, and she adores Nate.
The moment she’s out the door, I feel Cooper’s arms snake around me. “She’s one hell of a kid.”
“She is.”
He kisses my neck tenderly. “How’s about you head into the shower, and I’ll clean up, so we can go to the doctor?”
“Sure. That sounds good.”
I look at the clock in the kitchen. We’ve got another hour left. I give him a wink as he kisses my lips once more. Once I’m in the shower, just about finished, I hear Cooper in the bathroom. “Is everything okay?” I ask him.
He answers, as he opens the shower door, naked. “Everything is just fine, darlin’.”
I smile. “Didn’t you already shower?”
“I thought you might be lonely or need some help in here.” He explains, walking into the shower, water immediately soaking his hair. The beads falling down his chest force my gaze to follow. His arms wrap around me as he pulls me close, not waiting another moment, before enveloping his lips around mine. Every nerve ending is awake as he seduces me in under three seconds.
My blood surges through my veins and my skin sings as his body is against mine, hands all over me, stopping at my ass. Cupping my cheeks, he pulls me to his hardness, at just the right height to kiss my clit with the shaft, making me moan involuntarily. His tongue sweeps inside my mouth as my fingers tangle in his hair. “God, Cooper.” I breathe as his lips come off mine to go to my breasts. His one hand slides around and he circles my clit with it, as his lips make love to my breasts.
I climb fast from his nimble fingers and tongue. When I’m just about to come, he slips a finger inside, making my orgasm so intense, I cry out, thankful that Bean isn’t home. As I come down, he rises and lifts me into his arms, thrusting into me as my back gently hits the tiled wall. “I couldn’t wait another minute, baby.” He pants, fucking me hard, answering my subconscious prayer. His cock fills me while his words spur me on. “You are so fucking sexy, London.” He breathes against my lips as I feel his cock lengthen and thicken more and more with each pass, until it feels like it’s going to explode, and I’m right there with him.
He grunts loudly as he comes, pushing me over the edge, letting my second orgasm catch as the head of his bursting cock touches the right spot inside me. His lips are on mine, making our climaxes incredible. He finally kisses my lips tenderly, signalling afterglow, and I pull my legs down as he holds me for safety. “God, I love you.” He exhales. “You bring out so many good things in me.”
“Like, the animal?” I chuckle softly.
“Yeah, that, too.” He chuckles with me. “Is your back okay?” He asks between kisses. “I didn’t violate you too harshly, did I?”
“Just harsh enough.” I answer, wiggling my brows.
“Do you think the doctor is going to give me shit for this? Is this supposed to be a no-no while you’re…delicate?”
“That’s how I ended up delicate, so I’m going to say it’s allowed.” I reassure. “Besides, I doubt there will be any physical exam today. And the ultrasound will need to be booked.”
“You be sure and let me know if I’m crossing the line, darlin’. Because, pregnant or not, I can’t seem to get enough of you.” He kisses me tenderly again, but with his big, swollen lips against mine, letting the kiss linger. “How far did you get with the shower?”
“I’d say I’m done. I just had to rinse.”
We get out of the shower and get dressed, setting our clothes out that we’re wearing to the funeral, and then we head out the door to go see the doctor.
…I only wish I’d known at the time that my life was just about to change…again…
Chapter 16
The doctor makes her pee into a Dixie Cup and he sets a piece of what looks like litmus paper, into the cup. As he pulls it out, it’s changed color, and he frowns. “Yep. You’re good and pregnant. We just need the bloodwork to confirm how far along you are, based on hormone levels.” He says, setting the cup in the sink, pulling off the rubber gloves. “That’s based on the fact that you’re unsure of when your last period was, correct?”
“It was about five weeks ago, but I can’t swear to it.” London explains tritely.
“Not to worry. We’ll set you up with an ultrasound.” He says, filling out a prescription. He hands it to her. “Here’s a script for prenatal vitamins.”
“Thank you.”
“Congratulations. We’ll be in touch with that sonogram appointment.”
London nods. “Thanks.”
It’s so simple. In and out in less than five minutes. Gosh, if we were a couple and this wasn’t such good news, I think I’d fall to pieces at the nonchalance. Inside, I’m bursting with happiness, but the doctor is so casual, it’s like she’s got a cold. It takes everything in me not to lift her up, spin her around in the air, and set her down again, yodelling in the waiting room, as the receptionist books her for another appointment. I don’t remember the last time I was this happy. I think never. I’m with a woman I adore and her little girl that I couldn’t love more if she were my own, and now we’re expecting a baby together. If it weren’t for the question mark, the pink elephant in the room, this would be perfect.