“Oh, Cooper!” She hisses, as if she forgot about him. “When are you going to tell him? Do you think he’ll be happy?”
I think about it for a moment, rewinding some of the moments since Cooper has been in our lives. Recalling how sweet he is with Bean. How real his love is for her, and it makes me smile. I think once he finds out that he’s going to be a daddy, that he’s going to be so happy, he’ll burst. “I think so. He loves Bean to death. He’s crazy about kids. I mean, he’s a teacher.”
But with the secrecy between us, I’m afraid. I’m so afraid that he’s going to be put off by a baby, when I can’t tell him anything about me, about my past, about anything. How is this even going to work? Maybe he won’t be happy. Maybe this will just be another complication. Maybe he’ll break down and demand that I tell him everything. But I can’t. Regardless of this new advance between us, the situation that I’m in hasn’t changed. And it won’t change. Not until I get that fated phone call. Every day I pray that I’ll get the call. Every time my phone rings I’m secretly crossing my fingers.
Sadly, no calls ever come. Sometimes I have to test my phone to make sure that it’s working. Nobody calls. Nobody wonders where I am. It’s the perfect situation. James knew what he was doing. He knew that nobody in my life would care that much about me that they’d come looking or ask any questions. He was right. The only people that care about me now are the newest additions to my circle. Then when I think about this new baby, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, bringing another life into my world. My complicated, unsafe world, where everybody loves me, but that’s only because they don’t know the truth.
…and that’s when I make a decision that could affect this baby, Bean, and the rest of my life.
Chapter 14
It’s late when the call comes in. Laura calls after eleven o’clock, but I did tell her to call me anytime, so she isn’t overly apologetic when I answer, thankfully. The reason for the call is regarding is the funeral arrangements for Tommy, and for my banking information, so that she can wire the money to me. Once I get all that out of the way, I lay my head down on the pillow, and I’m out like a light. As I lay there in bed, in the middle of the night, I feel London join me. This time, she’s in her pyjamas.
I roll over to kiss her on the mouth. “Not taking any chances now, are we?” I chuckle.
“I’d hate to relive that. Gosh, I thought I would die of embarrassment. Bean sure has a way of putting me on the spot sometimes.”
“Kids are good at that. But the boys seemed to take it well.” I’m facetious.
“Yeah, Wade sure climbed on that dog pile, didn’t he.”
“He means well. The dude loves a laugh.”
“I’ll give him that.” She kisses me chastely. “Do you have Mingles tomorrow night?”
“Yeah. Did you follow Colton home?”
She nods. “Yes. He wants me to go in to work with him, but that’s where I draw the line.”
“How come?” I ask, wondering if she’ll notice the hidden security that is now part of her entourage.
“Well, Cooper, that isn’t right. He needs his privacy. Gosh, even Liz noticed that he’s been watching me like a hawk.”
“She said that?”
“Yeah. And she knows about Tommy, too.”
“Well, that’s why I came to see you tonight. The word will spread fast. Laura called earlier with the funeral arrangements.”
“Oh yeah? Is she okay?”
“She’s all business. I have to hand it to Tommy. He groomed his girls well.”
“When’s the funeral?”
“Monday. I’ll have to book the day off work.” I tell her. I don’t want Bean at school without me, so I have to figure out a way to tell her that, without her suspecting anything. “I want Bean to come, too. I think it would mean a lot to Tommy’s girls if we’re all there.”
She hesitates. “She’s never been to a funeral before, Cooper. I’m not sure if that’s the right thing to do. She didn’t know the man. She’s never seen a dead body.”
“It’s just a simple ceremony. Tommy’s already been cremated. Laura assured me it’s just going to be some speeches and a couple pictures. It’s mostly business associates and some family, but they didn’t have a lot of family, which is why she wants us to be there.” I lick my lips. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t think it would be appropriate for her. She won’t be scared.”
“Well, can I ask her how she feels about going? I don’t want to force her if she’s going to feel uncomfortable.”
That’s fair. I don’t want to traumatize her. And if she’s really that set on not going, I can let Colton know, and he can arrange for extra eyes on her. “Sure. Can we talk to her together? I mean, I knew Tommy, and I can help explain it to her. Is that okay?”
She smiles. “God, you’re so sweet.”