Page 36 of Cooper

“Yes and no, but it’s not what you’re thinking, and I can’t talk about that now, while London’s here.”

“You mean Stella.” He says firmly, reminding me that I have to put that hat on right now.

“Yeah.” I nod in thanks. “Listen, I need you to hire me some suits to watch her for me. She’s in way more trouble than I thought.”

“This from Jenkins?” He confirms.

Another nod. “Exactly. Are you able to help me out without her knowing?”

“I sure can. Consider it done.”

“Thanks, man.” I shake his hand. “I’ve got to go talk to her. Do you think Blake will mind?”

“He’ll insist. Just let him know on your way in.”

“Sure thing.”

I motion to Blake and he gives me a nod and gestures to his office. It’s like if none of us could talk around here, it wouldn’t be a problem, since we’re all so used to hand gestures and the like, when we’re on stage. London looks at me and I gesture to her for her to follow me. She delivers the rest of her drink order and Blake motions to Liz to go and cover her table. “Hey, darlin’. Sorry to interrupt, but I had to talk to you.” I tell her, as I close the door.

“You look like you’re going to puke, Cooper. What’s wrong?”

I kiss her quickly, not wanting this to feel like it’s a lecture, or that anything has changed between us, because nothing has, nor will it, ever. “Don’t worry. I dropped Bean over at Liz’s so Nate could watch her. This won’t take long.”

“Is everything okay?”

I sort of sidestep the question. “I wanted to tell you myself, before word got around. I’d never want you to think that I'd keep anything from you.” I hear it the moment it comes out of my mouth, but it’s too late. My eyes roll and I sigh. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Cooper, honey, out with it.” She prompts. “I know what you mean.”

The air comes out of my lungs quickly and I just blurt it out. “I had a visitor at the house a little while ago. It was Tommy’s daughter. You know? My landlord?”

Her face falls. “Yes. I remember.”

I rake a hand through my hair. “Tommy died.”

“Oh my God.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I said.”

She's in shock, just like I still am. “”

“Heart attack. He went fast. Doctors said he didn’t feel a thing.”

It takes a moment for her to process. And I’m silent, letting her do just that, before I say more. After a few beats, she says. “I’m so sorry. I know that you were good friends with him for a long time.”

“Yeah. We were. He was a great guy. He barely charged me anything for rent, like I told you. And he wouldn’t take anything more for you and Bean being there, either.”

“You told me that before, too.” She says, almost dreamily. “But, what does this mean? Are they going to sell the house?”

“No. That’s why I wanted to come and see you. Because word’s going to spread around town fast, I think.”

Her gaze is on mine. Concerned washed all over her face. “What’s going on?”

“Well, that’s why Laura wanted to see me.” I pause to clear my throat, and take a second to explain. “Tommy left the house to me. In his will it’s clearly stated. He wants me to have the house, the property, everything.”

She blinks, still in a state of shock. “But, what about his family? Why didn’t he leave it to his family?”

“London, that family is rich. And they own all the rest of his estate. Not to downgrade the levity of this generous gift, but, that house is likely a drop in the bucket compared to all that his kids just inherited.”