Page 26 of Cooper

She purses her lips into a smile. “And that’s why I know that telling you is okay. Mommy always tells me to follow my heart and listen to my gut.”

My eyes sparkle at her. God, I love this kid. “Well, that’s great advice, doll. It’s the same advice my mama used to give me all the time when I was your age. Even, to this day, she tells me the same.”

“Is that why you asked us to live with you, when you just met us?”

This kid is wise way beyond her years. “I believe so, love. And I wasn’t going to have you or your mama in harm’s way if I can help it.”

She climbs down off the chair and takes two steps to me. Her arms come out and she hugs me tight. “I love you, Cooper.”

Tugs at my heartstrings. Ball in my throat, I manage. “I love you to the moon and back, Bean.”

The staff room is empty as I head there in between classes. I’ve been battling with myself, wondering if I'm doing the right thing, telling Jenkins what I know. But I know that I am, in my heart of hearts, because, for all I know, she could be getting screwed over, whether it be by the legal system, or by the dirtbags that forced her into the program. Jenkins answers on the first ring. “Cooper. I’m so sorry, man. I haven’t got anything more for you yet. My contact is in a goddamn hospital bed, or I'd have something for you.”

“It’s okay. I’ve got something for you, actually.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Bean, London’s daughter, started talking this morning.” I raise a hand, as though he’s in the room with me. “I didn’t prompt her or anything, man, I’ll swear on a bible to that.”

“Go on.”

“They’re definitely being protected from something or someone. London’s ex-husband is in jail.”

“I figured, but there’s no point going on a wild goose chase for an inmate unless I know at least what state, if not, what town.”

“They’re from Florida. Not sure how much that helps. Bean says that London used to take her to a pancake place that served these things that were the size of her head.”

I can hear him pecking away at a keyboard as we speak. “Sure. Any bit of information helps, even if you think it doesn’t.”

“She mentioned she hasn’t seen him for a while. That London hasn’t let her see him at least since last Christmas.”

“That means that whatever transpired with the ex didn’t necessarily happen the moment he was sent to the slammer. Whatever caused her to go the program happened pretty damn recently.”

“I coached Bean. I don’t want her going around telling this shit to just anyone.”

“Good call. I’m sure London did the same. Any word on a surname?”

“Na, she was about to tell me, but I was afraid I was already walking a fine line, just in case London was listening. She was asleep in the next room, so it was pretty risky business.”

“Gotcha. Well, if anything else comes up, give me a ring. I’ve got more digging to do now. This is pretty helpful.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Take it easy.”

“You, too.”

As I hang up to him, I worry that London overheard this morning’s conversation. But I'll have to wait until tonight to find out.

...for now, I just have to pray that Jenkins finds something out before then.

Chapter 10


Islept so well. I’m glad Cooper left me a note to say that he’d packed Bean a lunch, because otherwise she’d go hungry, since I slept until almost noon. It’s crazy how things just creep up on me like that. And I decide that since he did such a great job of getting her ready for school, that I'll clean the house and cook dinner for all of us. After I do part one of my plan, I realize that we’re short on food, so I head out to the grocery store, feeling lighter than air. This neighborhood is so nice. I grabbed fresh eggs and produce from a farm, and there’s a butcher shop right in town, so I picked up some pork chops.

Hell, I even bought cake mix, so that I can make some cupcakes for dessert and for Bean’s lunches. And I had just enough money in the bank to cover the little that it all cost me. One could get used to this. After I sear the pork chops and prepare the vegetables, I bake the cupcakes and set them to cool, before frosting them, as the pork chops marinate in brown gravy. This is one of Bean’s favorite meals, mine, too, and I can’t wait to share it with Cooper. They walk in the door shortly after four o’clock, and I can’t help but feel like we’re a little family, as he guides her into the house and helps her with her school bag.