“Holy fuck.” I whisper as I climb so goddamn fast, watching her suck my glistening dick, as it continues to pump in and out of her mouth. My moans get louder and faster, as she sucks me almost desperately, and I pull out of her mouth just in time, as I feel my seed traveling up the shaft. Lifting her to me, I cup her face with my hands. “You are the sexiest woman alive, London.” I tell her, almost breathless, as I tilt my head and shove my searing tongue into her mouth, pulling her pants down with both hands on either side of her hips.
My cock is so hard it feels like it’s going to explode as I lift her, entering her, and she starts riding me as I walk to the bed. Dropping her gently, sideways on the bed, I push in and out of her, from the side of the bed, fucking her hard, like I can tell that she wants to be fucked, based on the mewling exhales coming out of her. “God, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Cooper.” She pants as she digs her nails into my back, desperate for release.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, darlin’. We all have needs.” I say on exhale, sounding just as winded as her. “My needs come out just as much around you, too.”
I nod, breathing heavily from my nostrils, lifting her arms over her head. “Every time I look at you, I want to fuck you so bad, but this I’ll take.”
Her eyes flash as I use the expletive in bed. Like she enjoys the dirty talk. So, I try it again, to test. “When I saw you sucking my dick, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”
Her eyes roll back as she moans, as if my dirty words spur her on.
“I wanted to fuck you so bad at the house. I couldn’t wait to get you alone.”
I press my nose on hers, fucking her deep and slow, my body pinned on hers. “Now that we’re alone, you can fuck me all you want.”
Her insides clench, sucking my dick so hard, pulling my come right out of me with her. She cries out loud, shuddering, as I drive into her faster, harder, deeper, plunging my tongue inside her mouth, buffering her cries with kisses. When her body finally goes limp, I cup her face with my hands, both our chests heaving, exhausted, satiated. “Feel better, baby?” I ask softly, between kisses.
“So much better.” She nods, trying to take a cleansing breath.
I take the hint and get off her, removing myself from her. I lay sideways, facing her, thinking that I never realized how much I needed someone until she arrived. The thought of not spending every moment with her makes me feel unsettled. Never felt that way about another woman before. Of the few casual encounters I’ve had over the years, I was indifferent to them leaving. But London and Bean, they can stay forever. I don’t want them to leave. I also don’t want to tell her that. She’s not ready to hear it. Until she tells me why she’s here, she’s not ready to hear it.
“We should get dressed and fix the bed.” I tell her.
“Oh, shoot, yeah.” She chuckles. “We’ll look really guilty if he walks in right now.”
“With that big smile on your face, you’re going to look guilty anyway, love.” I tell her with a smirk.
“Yours, too.” She volleys back.
“I always smile.” I tell her, stamping her lips with a playful kiss, as I pull my jeans back on.
“Not like that.” She snorts a laugh, clasping her bra.
In two minutes, we’re dressed and smoothing the covers on the bed. We take a look at each other, realizing that we’re both almost unscathed, and head into the living room, taking a seat in front of the fireplace. My hand is in hers as we sit in silence, looking over at each other and smiling, then breaking into laughter at what we did. “God, some day I’ll tell Colton, and he’ll just die.”
“Not as long as I’m alive, you won’t. God, I can’t believe we did that.” She shakes her head, laughing.
“Never had unstoppable lust for someone before, have you.” I comment, half taunting, half conversational.
“Nope. Can’t say I have. You?”
I shake my head. “Never. Hell, if I found out someone screwed in my house, I’d kill them.”
“You would not.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t. But I’d sterilize the sheets and all surfaces. And I’d never invite them back.”
She breaks into another fit of laughter. I like it. I like it when she does everything. I love it when she smiles. She seems to smile a lot. Not sure how often she did that before, but I can’t imagine it was often. I try not to think about that. I try not to think about the clear fact that I’m falling for her. Every moment that I spend with her just gets better and better. It’s crazy how fast things have happened. In just a couple of days I’ve gone from single and staying that way, to living with the most beautiful woman in the world, and her daughter, and I feel like I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But this will all coming crashing down if I push too hard. And at the same time, I can’t help but feel like I need to know what her story is. Why she’s in trouble. I can’t just sit here blindly, knowing that the woman that I’m falling for might be in danger. Danger that she isn’t letting me help her with, beyond offering her a safe haven, a roof over her head.
…and then I make up my mind to do something that could be unfathomably stupid, or the goddamn smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life to date.
Chapter 7