Page 35 of Cooper

Bean manages a smile. “Okay. Is it in the basement? Where you showed me?”

“It sure is.” I grin, hoping to God that she isn’t catching on that I want a moment alone with her mama.

“I’ll go get it.”

As soon as Bean walks down the stairs to the basement, I turn to London. “I’m so sorry about that.”

She chuckles. “It’s okay. It couldn’t be avoided. Is Bean okay in the basement alone?”

I wave. “She’s fine. She loves it down there. I’ve got all kinds of neat things for her to check out.”

Her voice lowers. “How did Luke’s wife...pass?”

“Oh, she got into a car accident. Head on. Died instantly. It was tragic. I remember when Colton told me about it. I went to the funeral. Don’t know the guy well, but he’s been coming around here for a while. He’s the only dude at the airline with kids that young or at all.”

“And they were divorced?”

I nod. “Yeah. A couple of years.”

“And she didn’t take the kids with her?”

I swallow, thinking about the story. “She was one of them types. Not cut out to be a mama, I suppose. Didn’t have a healthy bond with the kids. The twins were an accident, and she was devastated, Luke said. She never wanted any kids but ended up having three. It was too much.”

“Gosh, I don’t mean to judge, but I couldn’t imagine not having children. Bean is the light of my life.”

I smile. “I can see that. She’s quickly become the light of mine, too.”

Something flashes in her eyes. They sparkle. “God, I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I kiss her on the mouth. “You ever run away from me, and I'll search the ends of the earth and back for you.”

Her eyes suddenly get glossier. “Oh, don’t cry, baby.” I chuckle, resting my forehead on hers tenderly. “I know that there’s a lot you can’t tell me, but you are in safe hands, darlin’. I promise you that.”

Snaking her arms around my neck, she embraces me, pulling me close. I squeeze her tight to me. And that’s when Bean comes upstairs, holding the pan in her hand. She sets it down and joins the hug. London takes one of her arms and wraps it around her, so it’s a three-way hug. “See? We make a nice family, don’t we?”

London chuckles, swallowing back her emotion. “Yes, I suppose we do, baby.”

“Good. Now all this family needs is a kitten.”

We both snort a laugh and release each other. “God, Bean, what am I going to do with you?” London says.

Bean shrugs. “I don’t know. Buy me a kitten?”

I pick the wreath pan up. “Well, don’t expect one under the tree.”

“Or ever.” London adds. “Come on. Let’s get dinner made. I have to go to work soon.”


Blake hands me my drink order, and I take it to the awaiting table. There is no live band tonight, but there is Christmas music playing, and no dance floor available. It’s ironic how the festive season brings in more patrons ready to drink and toss out all their hard-earned money, instead of socking it away for Christmas presents. But I won’t complain. The tips are good, and it’s all I can do to not take over Blake’s books back in his office. The man is terrible at accounting. His records are so poor I'm surprised he hasn’t been audited yet. I'm so eager to help him more than I already have, but anything I do will be a dead giveaway.

The questions will only lead to danger. It makes my gut clench though, because he’s such a wonderful man, and he’s given me way more tips than I've earned. I’m certain he knows that I've got some trouble. Something tells me that everyone that patronizes and works here at Mingles has some unspoken issue. Like Liz, one of the other waitresses. She’s as smart as a whip and is cut out for way more than this place, yet she works her tail off, providing for her son. Her boyfriend, Nate’s father, doesn’t sound like much to me. But who am I to judge? Look what I was married to.

After I deliver the drink order, I see Cooper walk into the bar, and I'm shocked. His face is odd. It doesn’t light up when he sees me, and he’s supposed to be at home, watching Bean, so I know that something is wrong, and my stomach clenches at the thought. But when I find out what’s wrong, it’s nothing like what I thought.


Even though my mind is reeling after my surprise guest showed up earlier, I take the first opportunity to talk to Colton, as I enter the bar. “You got trouble, man?” He asks me, not expecting to see me tonight.