“Then you’ll have to tell London that you know. How are you going to deal with that?” He reminds.
I draw in a deep breath and let it out. “Haven’t thought that far. We’re still too new. I don’t know how she’s going to react if she finds out what I know, and how I know it.”
“That part I can’t help you with, dude.”
“I get it. Hey, thanks, man. You’ve been a treasure. Seriously.”
I’m half focused for the rest of the day, but grateful that London trusts me with Bean. At least I can keep her safe with me here at the school. No worries about taking a bus or anything, as I drive her. Aside from her other classes, which are all close to my classroom, I have music class with her every day. It’s almost a godsend. Colton needs to know the levity of this situation, so he keeps all eyes on London while she works. Under no circumstances should she be left alone aside from when she goes to the ladies’ room. I don’t want her left alone for any length of time.
I take Bean over to the ranch for a ride after school, while London takes a nap before going to work, earlier today, as Blake needs her for the dinner shift. Colton’s got his friend Luke over from work, with his three kids, so Bean is on cloud nine. Colton’s brother Jack is here, too, and Wade. It’s rare for Colton to not have at least one of his brothers over. Luke and Jack work together, but in all honesty, I think Colton is actually closer to Luke.
“How’s it going, man?” Jack says, patting me on the back. “I hear you’ve got yourself a lady friend.”
“You’ve seen her.” Colton reminds. “She works at Mingles.”
“Oh, yeah. The blonde chick.”
Luke looks over at Bean. “Gosh, if she looks anything like her daughter, she must be an angel.”
Wade smiles. “You thinking about getting yourself a lady friend?” He asks, somewhat carefully. Cassie, his wife, passed away last year. Despite their divorce the year prior, the family was still devastated by the loss.
“No, man. I've got my work cut out for me with these three.” He chuckles. “And that’s when I see them. I’m at work sixty hours a week. Thank God I got myself a nanny before Cassie died. That would have been a real gut punch.”
Jack chimes in. “That won’t be for much longer. Once HR gets me another head, the heat will come off you.”
“It’s okay, man. It’s been a good distraction.” Luke admits.
I watch Colton help Bean onto Maya this time, and the smile on her face is so wide, it’s contagious. I love that kid. How the hell her daddy could put any potential harm on her is beyond me. “Cooper, look!” She calls to me as she mounts the horse.
“Perfect, love! She loves you!” I call back.
“Seems like the horse isn’t the only one she loves.” Luke says to me.
“Yeah, she’s looking to impress the pants off you, buddy.” Wade says.
I can’t help the smile. “She’s already there. I couldn’t love her more if she was my own.”
“Be careful with that.” Jack states. “Unless you’re sure that you and her mama are good.”
I look at him. “I’m sure. I love them both to death. I can’t believe how fast things have happened.” Or how fast they could come crashing down, is what I want to add, but I refrain. For their protection, the less everyone knows about them, the better. And I’d bet money on it that Colton has kept his word and hasn’t breathed anything about this to anyone.
I watch London play with Luke’s kids and smile. The happier she is the happier I am. Colton gets right in there with Rebel and Maya, and I want so badly to talk to him in private. But the chance doesn’t present itself with so much company. And that’s when London appears and something shocking happens.
Chapter 12
Iwake up feeling so alive and refreshed it’s unnerving. The house is empty, and I miss both of them so much I take a quick shower and walk over to Colton’s ranch, where I know they are. He has a house full, with two of his brothers and a friend from work over. Bean is riding Maya, while another boy is riding Rebel. I’m introduced to Luke, a coworker at the airline that the Ford brothers own, and after some small talk, with one eye on Bean, and the other eye on Cooper, who can’t take his eyes off me, Bean returns from her horse ride and dismounts with Colton’s help.
Bean trots over to me, as we talk amongst ourselves, and gives me a hug. “Did you have a good nap, mommy?”
“I did, thank you. Did you have fun riding Maya?”
She nods emphatically.
“You can come over and ride her anytime.” Colton reiterates.