Page 16 of Cooper

“You’d never know it based on the sour puss on your face around all the holiday crap at Mingles.”

Colton brings the horse closer. “That’s not because of the Christmas crap. It’s because of the company sometimes.”

I watch Colton slide a double saddle on Rebel, and then give Bean pointers on how to ride him. “Now, I’ll go on with you the first time. Let you get a feel for it. Then, when you’re comfortable, we’ll go riding together.”

“Okay.” Bean beams again. For a kid that’s been through what she’s been through, you’d never know it.

“You two feel free to look around while I take her for a ride.” Colton calls, lifting her onto the horse, and then mounting it himself.

“You okay, Bean?” London asks tentatively.

“I love it, mommy! Colton was right! I don’t want a cat anymore, I want a horse!”

London does a face palm, and Colton and I can’t help the chuckles.

“Now, look here. You can come ride anytime you like.” Colton says, still chuckling.

We watch them ride off, and I slide my arm around London. “She’s a great kid.”

“James promised her a kitten for years.” She explains. “But…things happened…and then after the divorce, I didn’t know…anyway.” She waves.

I pull her close to me. “I don’t suppose getting her one now would be such a great idea, huh.”

“Well, there’s another thing Tommy might not approve of, and…well…I don’t know what my future holds, Cooper.”

It tears my heart out that I don’t know what her story is. My daddy always taught me that no matter what, there’s always an answer, always a way out. And the fact that she isn’t telling me what the deal is, well, I can only hope that in time, that’ll change. “Hey, don’t sweat it, okay? Take it day by day.”

Her face changes. “That reminds me. My babysitter quit last night. After the first night. I’m so screwed. I need to find someone to watch Bean, or I can’t cover my shift tonight, which is terrible and I’m afraid I’ll get fired.”

Can’t say I blame the girl. One look at that neighborhood and I’d be making tracks out of there, too. “Let me call Liz. See if Nate, her son, can watch her for you.”

“I’ll even bring her over there if that suits him.” She says, so desperate, again, it tears my heart out.

“Nonsense. Nate loves coming over here. He’s real close to Colton. He’ll probably even bring her over here to the ranch. Colton lets him have free reign.”

The relief is in her eyes as I dial Liz’s number. She agrees, adding in that her deadbeat son needs something to do other than play around on his phone for hours on end. Liz actually makes it out like London is doing her a favor, not the other way around. “Nate’s a good kid.” I say after hanging up. “I’ll drive him to school in the morning if he wants to stay overnight. I’ve got plenty of room.”

“You sure you don’t mind?”

I pull her close and kiss her on the mouth tenderly. “Not one bit. It’s nice having company.”

“Well, if we cramp your style at all, please, don’t hesitate to let me know. The last thing I want is to be a burden.”

“I’ll let you know, darlin’. But do me a favor and stop worrying, okay? We’ll figure everything out as we go.”

The look in her eyes is hard to read. I can’t tell if she wants to open up and tell me something, or if she’s trying not to be emotional. Either way, I just kiss her again to hopefully allay any upset. Her mouth opens, making the kiss less chaste, and I respond in kind, dipping my tongue in a little. Colton and Bean are in the wooded area, too far to see or hear, so I know it’s safe and appropriate. It seems to me that the more desperate she feels, the more…desperate she feels…and the need is evident. After a brief make out session, with her fingers skating through my hair and my hands on her ass, I pull back slightly. “What do you say we go inside, and I show you the ranch?”

“Sure.” She says, cheeks turning pink. “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’m never like this.”

I kiss her forehead. “Never apologize for that, love.”

She scoffs a laugh as I take her hand in mine, and we walk into the ranch house, taking in the natural beauty of it. Colton and his brothers built this house from the ground up. From the wooden plank flooring to the natural wood embellished furniture, it’s a sight to behold. The Christmas tree is floor to ceiling, next to the wood fireplace, and it’s so beautiful, that London has to go stand right next to it, observing the ornaments that look handmade. “How long do you figure he’ll have her out there?” She asks me, fingering a gingerbread man ornament.

“If he takes her down the trail in the brush, maybe a half hour. He won’t have her out too long though, seeing as it’s her first time. Her legs won’t hold out.” I answer, sliding my hands around her waist from behind. “She’ll have trouble walking tomorrow.” I snuffle a chuckle behind her ear, as I kiss it. Her hand reaches back, cupping my crotch, and it twitches, not expecting the attention. “Holy shit.” I whisper in her ear, as she turns around to face me, with a fire in her eyes that sparks a flame in mine. “Well, here’s something I’ve never done at the ranch before.” I murmur against her skin, as she brings herself nose-to-nose with me.

I take her to the spare bedroom and close and lock the door. At least if they get back, Colton will take the hint and keep Bean away, and I’ll take my licks for it later. Her hands are all in my hair, as her tongue batters mine. This girl is horny as fuck and making me want to do so many unchristian things to her. Through ragged breaths, she pulls my shirt off, practically clawing at my chest. I pull her shirt off and unclasp her bra, not wasting any time, and as the lacy garment falls to the floor, I reach for her pants. But she beats me to it, pulling my zipper down first, and giving me an instant fucking full-on erection, as she drops to her knees, right in front of me.

It's gotta be something to do with forbidden love, as I’ve never seen a girl so wanton, so needy, and it’s such a fucking turn on, as I watch her stuff the head of my cock into her mouth. It hits the depths of her throat and my head rears back, as I comprehend the magnitude of pleasure. “Jesus Christ.” I breathe, holding my hips, steadying myself, as my pelvis rolls in and out involuntarily with her rhythm. My cock has never been harder as she milks it with her hand while sucking the tip and shaft in such a delicious rhythm, my chest is heaving.