Bruno was dreaming of snow and saunas, the surreal contrast of cold and searing heat both exciting and tantalizing.
This dream was interrupted by the sudden crushing weight of a very large figure dropping down on top of him in the tub and he shifted in his sleep.
Instinctively, he rolled to grapple with the interloper, which was when he realized that it was very definitely a woman. He had a large, soft breast in one hand, and a haunch of shapely hip in the other.
“What was that?”
Bruno came awake enough to remember that he was in his own copper creation, and recognized the voice of one the factory guards. As he woke, he realized that the fascinating creature he was clutching must have dived on top of him to avoid their attention.
“I didn’t hear anything, what was it?”
“I don’t know. Kind of a thunk? Like a sack of flour falling over or something.”
“Pretty sure there aren’t any sacks of flour in here,” the other said sarcastically.
The sack-of-flour woman lying on top of him was still and stiff, and Bruno was appalled to realize that he too was very, very stiff as he held equally still. She wasn’t volunteering to sit up and get away from him, but she must realize what she had fallen onto; it was not small enough to be something in his pocket. He was still holding her breast, as well, and his fingers were unconsciously kneading at it.
Hug! Bruno’s bear insisted. Hug!
Bruno’s bear thought that bone-crushing hugs were an appropriate way to greet anyone and Bruno often had to hold him back from embracing cashiers and strangers on the street...but he thought that this might be a more fitting opportunity.
“There’s no one here,” the first guard said firmly. “Let’s swing by the mess hall and get a coffee.”
Bruno lay still until the doors outside clicked shut and the woman on top of him scrambled off his cock and out of his grip, but she didn’t get out of the tub.
“You’re not Eva,” she said in a growl as they untangled their limbs and she got as far away from him in the tub as she could.
Bruno kind of wished he was Eva, the way she said the name. “I’m afraid not,” he agreed, sitting up slowly and offering his hand. “Bruno Bigliotti, at your…ah…service.” Then he got a look into her face and the fluttering feeling in his chest that he’d thought was just the lingering tail of his dream solidified into an iron certainty.
Mate! his cave bear roared in triumph. Mine!
The stranger was a woman nearly as tall and as broad as Bruno himself, which was unusual in most men and unheard of in women. She had soft waves of deep brown hair and a face with strong planes and huge brown eyes. Her lips were slightly parted, as if she was puzzled.
“I’m—” She stopped short of giving her name at the last moment. “Why didn’t you turn me in?”
Mine! his cave bear growled.
“You didn’t seem to want to be found,” Bruno said simply. “And I didn’t want to share you.” The tub was just small enough that he didn’t have to lean forward very far in order to cover her tantalizing mouth with his own.
He felt the moment her surprise gave way to surrender, and then when she seemed to reconsider and went from kissing him back to shoving him away.
That sequence was long enough to raise his desire from sizzling to absolutely desperate, and it caused almost physical pain when she struggled away from him and out of the tub, to fall on the ground with a crash. “Wait!” he cried, but she was up and scrambling for the door much faster than a woman of her size ought to be able to move.
“Wait!” he called again, but then she was through the doors and gone and Bruno was still trying to figure out all of his limbs and get out of the birdbath.
Eva blessed her small size as the flashlights swept harmlessly over her hiding place, and it was only a few moments before she could creep out and resume her mission.
She heard some commotion from the factory floor that made her pause, but that wasn’t her objective.
Frank Wilson’s office was near the front, and it was a comfortable, sprawling room with couches and bean bags. It wasn’t as ostentatious as Eva expected. There was a popcorn machine, and a cooler full of drinks. A number of flamingo statues cluttered his desk.
Antonio had told her that security would be minimal once she was in, but Eva still moved into the room cautiously. There were guards on rotation and she didn’t want to catch their attention.