Page 37 of War King's Treasure

“Maybe, I don’t want to wait for my surprise,” she told him, tilting her head to give him better access.

“You’ll want this,” he swore. “Trust me.”

She nodded. She trusted him. Despite their rocky start, he’d been honest and true with her. He’d shown her he was a man of his word, one she could trust with her heart. Whatever surprise he had in store, she was ready.

Chapter Sixteen

Gavin held his breath as Nori appeared at the end of the aisle. He didn’t glance at her grandfather whose arm she clung to. He had eyes only for her as she walked toward him. His bride. One who’d been robbed of the wedding she should have had. He hoped tonight’s ceremony would make up for that. The joy on her face made him believe it did.

She wore a white gown with silver threading woven throughout. A silver chord emphasized the dip at her waist. She had a veil draped over the length of her hair, the light catching on her blonde locks through the translucent material. She was a vision to behold, and Gavin realized what he’d missed by sending a proxy to take his vows instead of showing himself.

“You’re beautiful,” Gavin told Nori once Phillip had passed her hand from his to Gavin’s. Her fingers trembled. “What are you afraid of?”

Nori glanced up at him with luminous eyes, her smile more radiant than the sun, letting him know it wasn’t fear that had her hand shaking. “I can’t believe you’d do this for me. We’re already married,” she whispered.

“I’d do anything for you, Nori. Besides, someone explained how remiss I was to send another to speak my vows for me at our first wedding.”

She blushed. Gavin almost laughed, remembering the tongue lashing she’d given him when she’d told him to figure out what was important enough to require his presence and asked if she should expect another in their bed when the time came to consummate their vows. He’d never fail her again.

He kept his gaze on her the entire ceremony. The priest was quick to refer to it as a renewal of their vows since Gavin had readily admitted he’d already claimed her as a man does his wife. God’s truth, he couldn’t wait to do so again. He kissed her, sealing their bond for all to see before turning to face the people who’d joined them.

Theo and Jo sat together, and the way his brother rubbed his fingers over her stomach made Gavin wonder if there would be another announcement soon. Jamie and Rory sat next to them, with Gavin’s sister throwing fleeting glances toward the father she’d just met. For now, Gavin was still reserving judgment on Rowan York, but the man seemed to genuinely love Rory and want to build a relationship with her and Jamie. Then there was Serena sitting between her husband and father. Geoffrey’s arm was around his wife’s shoulder, holding her close while John Armstrong looked on with pride. Not only was he proving to be a great father-in-law to Geoffrey, but he presented a father figure to the rest of them who hadn’t had one or had a poor example of one. John nodding at Gavin. He’d already told Gavin he was doing the right thing by having another ceremony, so he could be in his rightful place instead of having John as his proxy.

Finally, there was Marcus with his wife, Genevieve, and her grandfather, Lord Sevres Kingsley. It had been his idea for Gavin to find and wed Nori. At least, Gavin had let everyone believe that. He’d already started looking into the possibility. He’d let them think she was a means to an end in the beginning before he’d met her, engaged wits with her, and touched her. Nori was fire, both in bed and out. Gavin planned to make up for the years of neglect she’d experienced due to her grandfather and the man appointed as her caretaker.

King Phillip and Baron Buckingham. Gavin let the heat of his glare encompass both men. He might tolerate Phillip since he was Nori’s grandfather, who she loved despite everything he’d done, but Buckingham was another story. It still surprised him the baron had stayed for the wedding after his sole heir had been executed. Gavin was sure that was Phillip’s doing. A way to remind Buckingham who had all the control in his life. He’d overheard Phillip telling the man his youngest daughter would be married in a fortnight to the male Phillip had selected, one who would take over for the baron. Gavin hadn’t cared enough to stay and listen to the rest of the conversation. If he’d had his way, the baron would have died along with his son. War Kings didn’t keep traitorous men alive to manipulate them.


Nori’s soft voice pulled his gaze, and he dropped another kiss onto her upturned face before taking her hand and leading their guests back to the keep. There would be plenty of wine and food and dancing tonight. Then they’d need to hold another celebration when they returned to his castle and Nori would be introduced to all of her people as their queen.

He led her into a dance as soon as the music began then watched as she danced with her grandfather and Lord Kingsley. He grinned when Theo stepped up when Jo ordered him to dance with his new sister. More often than not, his wife remained in his arms and the need they shared for one another grew hotter and hotter. Finally, when he felt enough time had passed, he went to fetch his wife from her latest partner.

He tugged his wife out of Lord Armstrong’s arms when the dance ended and led her out of the laughter and revelry and to the stairs that would take them to their bedchamber above.

“I was hoping we’d head up soon,” she murmured as they climbed.

“I wanted you to enjoy the celebration.”

“I’ll enjoy our private celebration more,” she vowed, and Gavin paused, pulling her roughly against him and taking her mouth.

The heat in her gaze when he pulled back had him sweeping her up into his arms and taking the stairs at a hurried pace. He ignored the men outside their chamber, waving them away after they’d opened the door. He heard the bawdy comments about a king and his sword but cared little. They didn’t say anything untoward about Nori, and that was all Gavin cared about.

“How do I get you out of this?” he asked as he set Nori on her feet.

She reached up and removed her veil first then scooped her hair over a shoulder before turning and giving him her back. “There are laces in the back.”

His fingers felt too large as he worked the laces loose, trying his best not to rend the material in his need to see her. Unable to hold back, he dropped his mouth to her neck, kissing her softly while his knuckles grazed the skin exposed beneath the laces.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look?” he whispered.

“Yes,” she moaned. “Hurry, Gavin. I need to feel you against me.”

“Fuck!” he growled, biting down on her neck before grabbing his dagger and cutting the knotted ribbons free.

Between the two of them they had her stripped down to her stockings in minutes. Gavin lifted her to sit on the side of the bed then went to his knees before her. He took his time removing each of her stockings, kissing her from mid-thigh to the arch of her foot before spreading her legs and taking in the soft pink petals that shielded what he wanted to taste. He leaned in, licking over the plump folds, dipping his tongue inside to flick along her opening.
