York watched with dazed eyes, head shaking in denial. Jamie’s gaze went to him and drew Rory’s with it. Gavin realized she didn’t suspect who she was meeting yet.
“Hello,” Rory said, but as everyone stared, she paused. Gavin saw the exact moment it dawned on his sister exactly who looked at her. She clung harder to Jamie.
“Forgive me for staring. You look like someone I used to know,” York said, then nodded and moved past her into the keep.
“That was…” Rory didn’t finish as Jamie lifted her into his arms.
“Yes,” he told her then glanced at the others. “I’m taking my wife to our room. Let us know when he’s aware and ready to talk.”
Gavin nodded before following. “I’m going to Nori. I don’t want her caught between the two men when Phillip confesses his sins. York doesn’t strike me as a man to take Phillip’s lies lightly.”
Theo followed at his side.
“Phillip will probably order everyone from the room before he confesses,” he said as they gained the stairs and headed up.
“The man’s going to discover he’s a father and about to be a grandfather in one day,” Rory told them as they paused at the top. “I can’t imagine that will sit well, and Nori will be hurt if her grandfather is injured further. She loves him. You have to protect him, Gavin. For her.”
Gavin nodded, knowing his sister spoke the truth.
“I’ll stay,” he promised.
“We’ll stay,” Theo countered. “You won’t face this alone. I’ll be with you. It’s only right since it involves both of my siblings.”
“Put me down,” Rory ordered Jamie. When she was on her feet, she pulled both Gavin and Theo into a group hug. “I love you both so much. Knowing that we aren’t blood nearly killed me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Theo growled.
“You’ll always be our baby sister,” Gavin agreed. He thought she was better off for not having to claim blood with Montrose. He and Theo weren’t as lucky.
Before they could say anything else, a woman’s scream pierced the air.
Gavin felt his heart stop. It was Nori. He took off at a run, roar spilling from his lips. He paid no heed to the sound of footsteps behind him. All he knew was he needed to get to his wife. He took in everything as he filled the doorway. Immediately, he moved toward Nori who stood behind Alan, who had his sword drawn.
Theo, Jamie, and Rory crowed into the room after him. Gavin continued toward his wife, tugging her against his chest while he continued to assess the room for danger. Phillip was on the bed, hand clutched to his chest, blood staining the bandages at his shoulder. He must have ripped his stitches again. Rowan York was by the wall, rage brewing in his gaze as he stared at Phillip.
“He attacked Queen Montrose’s grandfather, my king,” Alan said. “While our queen was in the room.”
“I’d never harm a woman,” York said, briefly flicking his gaze toward Gavin and Nori. “My apologies.”
He glanced toward Rory, and it was a broken man who stared out of those eyes. Tears spilled unabashedly down his cheeks.
“I didn’t know.” He shook his head, pleading in his tone. “If I had… Gods! What he took from me! What he robbed us of. Anne. Your mother. She was the love of my life. I never stopped loving her. Never.” Rowan’s gaze went back to Phillip. “I curse your name. Knowing what you did. Do you think I didn’t hear of how Montrose abused his wife? Or what was discovered when his daughter, my daughter, married a War King? My Anne. Dear gods, what she suffered. I’ll never forgive you for what you did. Never.”
Rowan took two steps toward Rory then paused as Jamie moved slightly in front of her.
“Know this, War King, hurt one hair on my daughter’s head, and I’ll see you pay for it.”
“How dare you!” Jamie thundered. “I would die before I hurt my wife.”
“Did you not take her to punish her for Montrose’s sins?” York countered.
“None of that matters,” Rory said as she leaned into her husband. “Jamie loves me. He’d never see me harmed. He’s threatened to kill Phillip many times for what he set in place, what he allowed.” She glanced toward Nori. “But we’ve made our peace now. I love my husband, but I might never have known him if not for Montrose.”
“Shh,” Rory said, placing her fingers against Jamie’s lips. “From darkness to the light. You rescued me before you even knew I needed it.” She turned back to York, to her father. “I would like to know you. To know more of my mother through you. But my husband is my everything. He and the child we’ve created. That won’t change.”
York’s gaze went toward where Rory cupped her belly, Jamie’s large hand surrounding hers. “You’re pregnant?”