It killed him that they’d been gone and unaware of what was happening with Rory. Rory’s husband had been the one to end their father’s life. The one to punish him for laying hands on Rory, for leaving scars on her skin that would never go away. Much like the ones Gavin and Theo bore.

“Sometimes, I think Jo hates him more than I do.”

“Have you talked to her about our childhood?” Gavin questioned.

“Yes. She eases my demons and reminds me goodness exists in this world. That I might deserve some of it.”

Gavin opened his mouth then closed it at the memory of holding Nori in his arms all night, the way her skin had felt against his. The way she’d listened and shared. She was honest and gentle and naïve yet had a fire inside her she wasn’t afraid to show him. She drew him as no one ever had. She made him want things he’d never seen in his life. A home, a wife, children. She was supposed to be the pawn they needed to make Phillip put a stop to the riffraff making their way into the Dread Lands. A way to control him. Gavin wasn’t supposed to fall for her.

“Speaking of brides,” Theo began. “How was your first night with yours?”

“Better than I expected.”

“Do tell, little brother,” Theo encouraged with a grin.

“She’s not what I expected. Phillip’s lucky I didn’t know more about her before we spoke with him. I might have let Marcus kill him when he wanted to.”

“That explains your early morning messenger. What word did he bring you?” Theo asked.

“He sold her off like chattel,” Gavin seethed. “His daughter died giving birth to her. Her father was killed in battle, likely never knowing she was conceived. Phillip passed her off to a baron who needed the extra income. They fed her, clothed her, and did the bare minimum for her. According to the information I was given, they even took her gifts from her grandfather from her or never gave them to her in the first place. That happened a lot when she was little since they knew he wouldn’t visit.”

“We knew he was a bastard,” Theo reminded him, and Gavin growled. “I’m guessing this is why you’ve avoided him this morning.”

“If I see him right now, I’ll be hard pressed not to rip his head from his body, Theo. She hungers for any scraps of love and affection he throws at her. She told me about her parents, then about their children, and never once included herself as one of them. She wants a family of her own.”

“Good. That’s what she’ll have as your bride. A family. You come with all of us. Me and Jo. Jamie and Rory. Geoffrey and Serena. Marcus and Genevieve. The grandfathers. Our men. Hell, I heard Cris and Con arguing over who’d get to be her second.” Theo laughed. “For their safety, I won’t tell you who won.”

Gavin shook his head. He trusted Cris and Con with his life. He had no doubt they’d give theirs to protect Nori.

“Cris did,” Gavin said. “Nori already told me she prefers him to me.”

“You don’t seem upset by that.”

Gavin shrugged. “She’s mine. She knows it. She just hasn’t accepted it, yet.”

“Your plans to get her to accept you?”

“I’ve already started getting her accustomed to my touch.”

Theo’s brows rose as he glanced at Gavin.

“Touching only. I’m a man of my word,” Gavin said.

“And this is day two.”

“Which ends at midnight.”

Theo shook his head. “You’ve always been a strategist, plotting and planning every move.”

“Only when it matters.”

“She’s more than a means to an end,” Theo stated, and Gavin nodded.

“I might have agreed without knowing everything, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t aware of her, that I didn’t already have someone stationed in the home she was sent to. As soon as I knew we were serious about standing off with Phillip, I sent one of my men to gather information for me.”

“You were already looking at the possibility of taking her before Genevieve’s grandfather made the suggestion.”

“Yes,” Gavin agreed. He’d been looking into her for a while. “I was already planning to take her and hold her until she agreed to be my wife. Lord Kingsley wanted to protect Genevieve. He presented what I wanted, and we all agreed to it.”