“Did the baron mention it to you?”
“I know you love him, but I’m asking you to trust me. Don’t let him get you alone. Promise me.”
“I promise.”
How could her grandfather promise her to the very male she begged him to take her away from? Why would he do that? Why would the Buckinghams never say anything about it to her?
“What’s the plan?” Gavin’s brother asked as they rode through the gates of the Kingsley Keep.
“Eleanor and I will find the others and head upstairs to talk. We won’t let her out of our sight,” Jo vowed. “Cris will be with us.”
Nori almost smiled when Cris sighed heavily. Jo ignored him.
“And you know Geoffrey will have either Titus or Duncan with us. We’ll be fine while you deal with this. My vote is you slit his throat.”
Nori gasped at Jo’s suggestion, but the other woman merely shrugged.
“He was going to take you, Eleanor. He needs to be taught that no one touches a queen unless she allows it.” Jo’s gaze was hard, as if she were remembering something. “And no one touches what belongs to a War King. No one.”
Theo growled his agreement, and Jo smiled at her husband. Nori noted the love between the two. In fact, it seemed that all of the War Kings and their wives loved one another. She wondered how the other marriages had come about. She’d have to ask them when they were all together as Jo had said. Nori was curious how they’d fallen for their kings. She wondered if it was possible for her and Gavin.
Gavin rode his horse up to the keep steps before handing her down to Cris then dismounting and handing the reins to one of his men.
“Only Buckingham is allowed inside the keep. The others can join Phillip’s men. I want the door guarded until further notice.” He turned, took Nori’s hand then led her inside with him.
“Nori, I’ve been looking for you.” Her grandfather moved toward her, and she immediately stepped closer to Gavin.
“Go with Cris,” he told her, tilting her face up to him and kissing her before he urged her toward Cris. Jo joined her, linking their arms and heading them both toward the stairs.
“Nori!” Her grandfather called behind her, and for the first time in her life, she ignored him. “Nori!”
She heard the rumble of Gavin’s voice, but there was too much distance for her to know what was said. She heard a door slam open and barely kept from jumping.
Jo called out to one of the chambermaids in the hallway as they passed. “See that wine, bread, and cheese are brought up to the solar, please. And ale for the men,” she added when Cris sighed again.
“My queen.” Cris held open the chamber door for Nori and Jo.
Nori moved inside but couldn’t sit, pacing the room instead.
“I hear you had an encounter while out riding,” Rory offered when she and Serena entered.
Serena wore men’s clothes, leathers like the War Kings and their warriors, along with a shirt and boots that rose to just below her knees. She had a sword attached to the belt at her waist. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a braid. She looked like a warrior. Nori was both appalled and envious in the same breath. She’d never dream of wearing something so scandalous, but the other woman seemed confident.
“Where’s Genevieve?” Jo asked.
“Getting refreshments sent up from the kitchen,” Serena said. “She said not to say anything until she gets here.”
Nori glanced over as Con filled the doorway and called to his brother. “Gavin wants you with him.” He glanced over and smiled at Nori. “I’m on queen watch.”
“Queen watch?” she questioned.
“He likes to tease, my queen,” Cris told her then gave his twin a pointed look. “Be nice.”