“I can go away,” I offered instead, doing my best to stick with the plan, though all I wanted was to slit his throat and watch him bleed out on the cement.
“Not you,” my father yelled. “Her. She won’t leave me alone.”
“That’s what happens when you kill someone,” Nico said.
“I didn’t kill her!” he screamed.
“You may not have been the one to attack, but you ordered it. I know it,” Nico replied.
“You don’t know anything,” my father yelled. “Nothing. You weren’t there. They…” He cut himself off.
“Confessed everything before I killed them,” Sasha said in synch with Nico.
My father’s head bounced back and forth on his shoulders as he glanced between them.
“They did,” Nico said, claiming his attention as Sasha walked closer. “You didn’t cover your tracks as well as you thought, Byrd.”
“Did you arrange for my accident, too?” I demanded while he was still processing Sasha’s ghost.
“Just a little accident to keep you away from her,” he muttered. “You weren’t supposed to die.”
“I’m not dead,” I told him. “I’m right here.”
“Are you?” he screamed. “Are you? Oh, God! I’m losing my mind. She’s there every time I close my eyes. Accusing me.”
I didn’t need to hear any more. He’d as good as confessed and signed his death warrant. I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy, though. From one moment to the next my father shifted, ripping through his clothes and charging at Sasha. She never flinched. Merely bared her teeth and let her wolf burst from her skin. Nico and I were only seconds behind. I saw other wolves but paid little mind, not caring who else charged in. My father’s blood was mine and Sasha’s to claim.
I heard Sasha yelp even as she swiped her paw over his face. Then I was there, slamming into his side and sending him spinning across the floor. Nico attacked then, going for his throat. I howled in warning, but I knew he wouldn’t stop. Not when he’d heard the same confession I had. Sasha moved in, though, snarling at her brother until he released my father with a growl. I closed in then, raking my claws down his side and splitting skin. He yelped and tried to back up, but there was nowhere for him to go. He was surrounded.
Nico leaped close and raked open his other side. Blood dripped from him to the floor, making it slicker. Sasha lunged at his face, tearing at one of his eyes. Another yelp and he went down hard. We were on him before he could get up. Sasha went for his throat while I tore open his belly, splitting him wide. My mate’s head jerked from side to side before she yanked free, blood spraying as she took flesh with her.
I raised my nose to the roof, letting a howl fill the air. Sasha nuzzled against me before joining in. It was hard to reconcile the dead drunk before me with the tough alpha he’d once been when I was a boy, a man I’d looked up to and wanted to emulate. Now, I prayed his madness never came for me. Sasha rubbed against me again, and I shifted. When she slipped from fur to skin beside me, I scooped her into my arms and took her back to the place where she’d been hiding.
We both had blood on us, but I needed her. My cock was thick and hard between my thighs, and she was already ready for me when I bent her over. It was hard and fast, the animalistic claiming of a mate. She howled again as I pounded into her, furiously fucking my mate. It was a reminder we were both alive, together, and would never be torn apart again. When we came, it was together, my roar overpowering her scream as pleasure consumed us. We were both gasping for breath when two blankets were tossed toward us.
“We’re going to have to talk about boundaries,” Nico groused, letting me know who’d thrown them. “There are some things a brother doesn’t need to hear.”
Sasha laughed, reached up to kiss me, then wrapped the cloth around her.
“Get used to it,” she told her twin. “Now, that I have him again, I plan to keep him right where I want him.”
“Where’s that?” I asked as I wrapped the covering in my hand around my hips.
“Inside me,” she purred, taking my hand.
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” I agreed, scooping her back up.
I never looked down as I passed my father’s body. He was nothing to me. I focused on the woman in my arms. The woman I loved. Shower, food, and fuck. Those were my only plans for the next twenty-four hours. Raine was safe with my sister, which meant nothing would keep me from sating the instinctual need to rut my mate until the smell of blood left my nose and I accepted the threat to her was gone.
I was Sasha’s mate. Her wounded wolf who’d found his way home. To her. As my wolves closed ranks around us, I knew this was where we were meant to be. Not just Sasha and me, but the rest of the guys, including Nico. We were family. A pack no matter what I’d once tried to convince myself. The Rigton wolves were back, and we weren’t going anywhere again.
Six week later
I couldn’t stop grinning as I left the bedroom, heading downstairs to where Rowan and the rest of the guys were. We’d been staying at Lincoln’s house since Richard Byrd’s death. Rowan had refused to step foot in his father’s house, though Raina said it should be his now. He said there was nothing there he wanted. As Raina had taken all her stuff and most of his when she’d mated with Bastion, I expected he was right. He’d had it torn down, and the foundation of what would be our home was already being lain. We’d be here until it was ready. Thankfully, Lincoln had a big house with plenty of rooms to accommodate all of us.