“I have him.”

“Rowan, he doesn’t like strangers.”

“I have him, Sasha. Trust me.”

Rowan stood, our son clinging to him, as nine large men entered, surrounding the couch and the three of us. Where there had been jokes and casual conversation as they filed in, now there was nothing but silence.

“You have a son.” Easton finally broke the silence, moving toward us.

I saw Raine tremble, but Rowan squeezed him tight.

“These are your pack, Raine. You’re safe with them,” Rowan vowed to our son.

Easton reached them first, leaning in to first touch foreheads with Rowan then offer the same gesture to Raine. I watched my son mimic his father, and emotion choked me as Easton gave Raine a solemn promise.

“From first breath to last,” he whispered, and it was echoed by the other men in the room.

Then he moved to me.

“Even when Rowan texted and said you were alive, I didn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe it.” Easton pulled me in and hugged me as if he thought I’d disappear if he didn’t hold tightly enough. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, Sasha. I promise you. This pack will never fail you again. Neither of you.”

We both turned when Raine’s giggles filled the air. I was shocked to see my son being passed around as each of the others introduced themselves.

“Make that all three of you,” Easton added. “A son. Holy shit. Rowan has a kid.”

Easton walked over to join the rest of the Rigton wolves with my son, and Lincoln stepped in to hug me.

“I looked everywhere for you,” he swore. “Had I realized you were still alive, I would have never stopped. I swear.”

“Nico hid me well, Linc. You wouldn’t have found me, no matter how hard you looked. Not without my brother wanting you to.”

“I couldn’t reach him. I did try.”

“When Nico wants us off grid, we’re off grid.”

Lincoln hugged me again.

“God, Sasha. It’s so good to see you. Rowan…” He paused, glancing down and shaking his head. “It was rough for a while. He was hurt. Badly. We weren’t sure he’d make it.”

“He told me. Thank you for watching over him. For taking care of him when I couldn’t.”

“From first breath to last, Sasha.”

“Come here, baby.”

Rowan took my hand and pulled me toward the kitchen. I glanced back and saw Raine on the floor surrounded by seven men. Some sat cross-legged. Some lay on their stomachs. Raine crawled over and through them, laughing as fingers tickled him. Damien grabbed him by the ankle and dangled him upside down. Raine rocked his body and swung up to wrap his arms around Damien’s arm and hang.

“Damn, kid. You’re like a spider monkey or something. Hey, Riggs, what’s that animal that hangs like this?”

“A sloth, maybe,” Riggs offered.

“Nah, he’s too quick to be a sloth,” Cody disagreed.

Raine giggled again, and I let myself relax as Rowan tugged me after him.

“He’ll be fine.”

“I know. It’s just… I’ve never seen him like that before. He’s so at ease with them.”