“I hear the alpha here took a swipe at Talbot. Raked his claws down one side of his face before they could finish pulling him back. Said it took six of them, and Tah still managed to get close enough to do some damage.”
“Talbot said something about his daughter, didn’t he?” Jensen questioned, and Slade knew he was right before Adam nodded. All he had to do was remember Abby’s words earlier, about her fear of what Talbot would do if he got his hands on her daughter or any of the other shifter children on the ranch.
“I guess the bastard went into some detail about what he’d done to Kenzie Marshall and what he’d like to do to Tah’s daughter, Regan,” Adam informed them, confirming what Slade had been thinking.
“Tah’s agreed to let us in to speak with Talbot. They’ve got a shifter missing, and from what Rissa overheard, he’s stashed several female bear shifters away, as well. I want to know where they are.”
Something in Jensen’s tone gave Slade pause. It had him thinking back to the years before the attacks and wondering if there was something he’d missed. Something they’d all missed. Had Jensen been seeing one of the females in their den? Maybe, one he’d thought dead and now, hoped might still be alive? Would his brother have kept something like that to himself?
“Jensen?” he asked.
“I’m fine.”
Yet, his brother’s tone didn’t match his words. Neither did his expression.
“There’s also a woman here. The one who was rescued before the Erikson brothers and their mates came to Holloway territory. I guess Talbot had her for years. She’s pregnant, and there’s speculation he killed her mate. She’s human, and one of the guys said she’s taken up with one of them, a guy named Mitch. They all speak highly of him. Anyway, I guess one of the hunters who came after Talbot got his hands on her first. Tried to use her as a shield to get to the doctor. Mitch went nuts.”
“Did he kill the guy or take him prisoner?” Jensen demanded. Adam certainly seemed to have a flair for drawing things out. It wasn’t a skill Slade and his brother enjoyed at present.
“He didn’t have to. I guess she gutted the guy. By the time they got her to the medical facility afterwards, she was in shock. Pupils dominated her eyes. Didn’t speak and hasn’t said much since. Sounds like they’re all worried about her.”
“Sounds like you’ve picked up on a lot while you’ve been gone,” Slade concluded. His mate’s brother might be a good guy to have around.
“I’m actually planning to stay over here until we leave. Might go on a few rescues with them. It’ll feel good to get out and do something. I’ve been restless for too long.”
“Rissa won’t like it,” Slade felt pressed to remind him.
“My sister has you, now. Her focus will be on her mate. I’m glad she chose as wisely as she did. I know she’ll be safe with you,” Adam stated.
Slade snorted. “You do realize she was taken off Holloway land, right?”
Adam nodded. “I also know you found her and brought her back. I know you killed the fuckers who took her. And I know you’d do it again.”
“She won’t be taken again.” Slade’s voice was hard and cold. He wouldn’t allow it to happen again.
“Like I said,” Adam continued, “she has you.”
“You have us, too.” Jensen reached out and gripped Adam’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “You’re family now. Slade’s brother through Rissa and all of the rest of us through Slade. Remember that.”
Adam nodded. “I’m not planning to leave the den. Not permanently. I do want to go back to Washington, though. See if I can persuade some of the others to head to Wyoming with me.”
“They’d be welcome,” Slade assured him, and his brother nodded in agreement. Slade had no doubt Laramie would welcome any member of his mate’s former den. Hell, there were already members of the Langston den showing up to pledge loyalty to Laramie and Em.
“Anyway, I wanted to tell you I’m heading out with a group later today. Tony’s buddy, Aleksy, is heading it. Well, he and his mate, Lyra.”
“Where you headed?” Slade figured Rissa would want to know where Adam was once she found out he was gone.
“Not sure. They brief in flight. One of Tony’s rules. I’d say he’s paranoid, but then most people I know are. Most with good reason,” Adam admitted.
“Be safe,” Jensen ordered, and Adam laughed.
“I always am. Are you planning to get in and see Talbot today?”
Slade nodded as he shared a glance with his brother.
“We are,” Jensen agreed. “The sooner the better. Might as well search out Tony while we’re here. You know where he’s at?”
“His house, probably,” Adam offered. “It’s a farmhouse in the middle of his property. Doesn’t fit him at all on the outside. Inside’s a whole different story.”