“I’m fine,” Rissa murmured, drawing Slade’s gaze to her where his brother now sat beside her.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Jensen swore. He immediately ran his hands over her skull, and Slade knew his brother was checking the spot were she’d taken so much damage. He kept his gaze on his mate, not trusting her to tell Jensen if he found a tender spot. “Tell me what happened.”
Her gaze flew to Slade’s. “I remembered.”
“When you were speaking to Ariel.”
She nodded though Slade hadn’t been asking her a question. It made sense now. He’d been consumed by worry for her at the time, but looking back, he realized something the other woman had said must have triggered it.
“We were laughing and joking,” Rissa told them. “Joking about being so comfortable around one another when we usually weren’t. I told her I was vying for the role of bestie and asked if she already had another. She told me to stop running from you and give us a chance.”
“I like her. Seems like a smart woman,” Slade agreed, and Rissa smiled. It was soft and fleeting, and Slade knew she was still hurting. “Why don’t we talk about this later? Let Jensen finish checking you over then see if you can rest for a bit. She hit her knees pretty hard,” he reminded his brother.
Jensen’s glance flicked between Rissa and Slade. “I’m going to need the pants off if you want me to check her knees.”
Slade growled even though it was his brother and he trusted him completely. Trusting didn’t mean he liked the idea of Jensen seeing her in her underwear.
“I’m fine. My knees are fine,” she assured them then reached for Slade. “Don’t leave me.”
“I’m not,” he vowed then glanced over to his brother. “Anything concern you?”
“I don’t see anything physically that has me worried. I don’t like that the memories you’ve had were accompanied with pain. I’d like to monitor that. If it worsens, let me know immediately. Understood?”
“Yes,” Slade stated as Rissa nodded. He could see she didn’t like the idea but wasn’t sure why. Knowing his mate the way he was coming to, it probably made her feel weak, something she despised as much as he did.
“Do you want something for the pain?” Jensen asked Rissa.
She started to shake her head then gritted her teeth instead. “N… no. It’ll be fine.”
“I’ll leave something here just in case. I can stay out in the front room tonight if needed. I’d like to be close in case either of you need me.”
Rissa glanced toward Slade, and he knew what she was thinking. “The medical center is close enough. We’ll call immediately if we need anything.”
“Are you sure?” Jensen asked.
“Yes, but thank you,” Rissa offered.
“You’re family.” Jensen cupped her face and dropped a kiss atop her head, and Slade realized how concerned his brother had been for her during all those weeks when Slade had been going out of his mind. Jensen stood and moved into the hallway, his glance telling Slade he’d wait for him in the main area of the cabin.
“I’ll be right back,” Slade whispered, brushing his lips over Rissa’s then following his brother to the door.
“Let her sleep,” Jensen ordered as they stood by the front door. “Discourage her if she wants to talk right now. The memories rushing in overstimulated her. Her pupils are dilated, and I’m worried the head pain might increase if she tries to force things too soon. Rest. Nothing strenuous, brother.”
“I’m not a complete bastard, Jensen. Jesus,” Slade growled.
“She’s fragile right now whether she realizes it or not. She’s still healing. Her bear is still protecting her. Plus, she’s newly mated. Her body is going through a lot, and that includes her mind.”
“I know that,” Slade agreed.
“I’ll check on the two of you in a few hours.”
“Jensen,” Slade called as his brother stepped onto the porch. Jensen paused, lifting a brow in question. “Find out where he’s keeping Talbot.”
Jensen nodded then turned and left. Slade stepped back inside, shutting the door and flipping the lock. He made a quick walk through of the rest of the place, but it was fairly small. Off the main room was the kitchen-dining room combo to one side and a bathroom to the other. The short hallway had a closet then the doorway to the bedroom where Rissa lay.
He headed back to her, shutting the bedroom door behind him before toeing off his shoes and walking toward the bed. Rissa’s eyes were already closed. He slid onto the bed beside her and pulled her into the curve of his body. Her head automatically moved toward his neck, her nose seeking his throat as she rubbed it back and forth there. She wrapped one leg over his thigh while one palm slid low across his belly. Then as if that was all she’d been waiting for, she seemed to settle deeply into sleep.
Slade wrapped his arms around her, finding solace in the feel of her against him. No matter what, he’d protect her. Even from the memories that had knocked her to her knees and briefly taken her from him again.