“He asked me about Rissa, as well,” Jensen added. “Wanted to know about her injuries, especially the head trauma, and how her animal genetics had healed her. Asked if he could meet her, talk to her.”
Slade growled.
“I told him it would be up to her. Her, little brother, so tuck away that growl.”
“Anything else come up?” Slade snapped. Professor or not, the other man wasn’t poking around his mate. She’d been through enough.
“There are a lot more people here then we realized. I guess a new group came in. An older woman kept them together and brought them here. They’ve got them set up in cabins on the property. As soon as Tony’s builders are done with his house, they’re going to start building more cabins in case new groups show up. They seem to think others will.”
“And they’re willing to accept whoever shows up?”
“They have protocols in place,” Jensen informed him. “I’m not sure of all of them, but I don’t get the impression these guys are gullible or pushovers. Their alpha might be new to his animal and his role, but he’s got power. Both as a human and a lion. And those around him would die for him. I see it every time they look at him. They might not be blood, but they’re definitely family. They’d guard his back and that of his mate and child the same as any of us would do for Laramie. And just like Laramie, Tah Pearce would do the same for any one of his pride.”
“Sounds like you respect the guy,” Slade admitted.
“To the point I’m thinking of staying for a bit. There are things I can learn from Professor Mueller. Things I can teach him also. Plus, he mentioned his daughter will be heading this way soon, bringing all four of her mates with her. He seemed to think I’d find Cody of particular interest since he’s a doctor, also.”
“You’d seriously consider staying here? Knowing how many pregnant mates we have back home?” Slade hoped his mate would be in that category soon.
“I’m not moving in, Slade. I’m talking about a few weeks. Maybe, six at the most. Besides, this is all up in the air at the moment. I haven’t decided anything, and I’d want to talk to Laramie first, anyway. Then I’d need to get Tah’s approval. And all of that will depend on how things play out once we get our hands on Talbot,” Jensen added.
Slade definitely wanted to get Talbot within his reach, but unfortunately, he’d be held accountable for what he did to the man, which was bullshit. Talbot deserved the same treatment he’d given to so many shifters. Slade would like to strip him naked and tie him down, leaving him completely exposed and unable to protect himself. Then he’d become the shifters’ science experiment. See how he liked it when his skin was splayed wide so they could poke and prod at his organs, cutting and damaging just to see what his body was capable of healing. Bastard. He deserved no less than the same torture he’d given to far too many.
“Easy, brother,” Jensen said, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “Whatever you’re thinking, let it go. Let’s focus on Rissa. When she wakes up, I’d like to stop in for a minute and assess her.”
“She needs to eat first.”
“Or I could take a look at her, then she could eat and the two of you can settle in for the night. Remember, we’re meeting Tah and the rest of the group tomorrow morning for breakfast,” Jensen reminded.
“Do you think that’s a good idea? For Rissa, I mean.”
“That’s the reason I’d like to check on her.” Jensen shook his head, giving Slade a look as if he weren’t firing on all cylinders.
“If seeing Ariel prompted all this, then maybe, we need to keep them apart.”
“Considering seeing Ariel was a huge part of the reason Rissa wanted to come, I can’t believe you’re even saying that.” Jensen shook his head again, and if he didn’t wipe that expression of his face, Slade would do it for him.
He opened his mouth to say something then turned to face the door, waiting until the woman they were discussing filled the doorway. He had sensed her presence before he saw her standing there.
“You’re not keeping me from anything,” Rissa huffed as she padded over to the table, wearing his shirt. “Either of you.”
Slade slipped an arm around her waist and tugged her down into his lap. Not caring that his brother stood nearby, watching them, he dropped a kiss on Rissa’s lips, taking it deeper when she opened to him. He’d never get enough of her. The taste of her on his lips. The feel of her skin under his hands or body.
Jensen’s throat clearing finally had Slade breaking away from her. It was too easy for him to get lost in the pleasure he found with her.
“Why don’t I take a look at you real quick while Slade gets your food out of the oven?”
Rissa rose with a sigh while Slade growled at the interruption. Jensen laughed. Slade couldn’t wait to return the favor when his older brother found his mate.
“Well, get started,” Rissa snapped when Jensen stood looking at her. Slade snorted. His mate was a snappy, little hellion, and he loved it.
“I am,” Jensen said as he continued to watch her. “How’s the head?”
“No longer screaming on my shoulders.”
“Any pain at all?” Jensen wanted to know. So did Slade.
Rissa shrugged. “Not really. It’s noisy, but not hurting.”