Page 3 of Wolf's Wild Woman

Tonight, I’d watched two of my fellow alpha pack members lose their fucking minds…over women. God save us all. First, I witnessed Cyan stalk across the parking lot with one of the tiniest women I’d ever seen over his shoulder. Then a short time later, I growled to make people turn their backs as Bas’ mate ran across, stripping and shifting with Bas in pursuit. And it wasn’t even a full fucking moon.

“Hey, Taylor. Got a minute?” Simon, another of our pack, asked as he approached me.

“What’s up?”

“Cyan’s dealing with some troublemakers. He wants them corralled for the night,” Simon told me. Cyan was our alpha’s right hand. And I was Cyan’s, making me third in command.

“Let’s go.” I snapped my fingers, and a few others fell into step behind us. This was one place where my intimidating size came in handy. Few wanted to go toe-to-toe with me.

It was then, I noticed the scent in the air. Soft and subtle with a punch like a Mack truck to my balls. My dick threatened my zipper, and I quickly untucked my shirt to try to discreetly cover my reaction.

“Then you have me at a disadvantage.”

I heard Cyan’s voice and followed it past him to the woman standing in front of him. One word roared through my soul and almost had me surging forward. Mate. I didn’t know who she was. I just knew she owned me, heart and soul.

“Cy, you good?” Fuck! Why did my voice have to sound like a rusted blade?

“We’re good.” He tried to wave me off, but I ignored him, my gaze centered on her as Cyan continued talking. “What’s your name?”

“Rebel, but most people call me Rebbie.”

Rebel. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. She had a thick mane of dark hair, braided and hanging down her back. She was small, petite, which was more noticeable when compared to a man of my size. Didn’t matter. She was mine. My mate. One I was completely unworthy of. One I planned to claim fully before the night ended.

“Who did this to you?” Cyan’s words snapped me from my thoughts and had me ready to step forward and displace his hand from my mate’s face. Simon must have been feeling ballsy, though. He put his arm out to stop me, and when I glanced his way, he shook his head.

“Don’t spook her,” he warned.

“It doesn’t matter,” my Rebel answered Cyan. “Is Ivy really your mate?”

Cyan nodded at her.

Ivy must be the woman who’d been draped over Cyan’s shoulder when he’d left the bar earlier.

“Good,” Rebel continued. “Ivy deserves something good in her life. She deserves…happiness. It’s been hell since Rowan died.”

What was my mate’s connection to the former alpha of the Rigton pack? And who’d made her life hell since his death? She might be using the other woman’s name, but all of us standing here knew she was talking about herself, as well.

I edged my way closer. Not wanting to frighten her and spook her away from Cyan, but I couldn’t stop from moving closer toward her.

That was when I glimpsed her face…and saw red.

Someone had clocked her in the eye. Beautiful, light blue eyes. Haunting eyes. One side of her face was bruised and swollen. I wanted to hunt down the person who’d inflicted the harm and rip them apart with my bare hands. And the way she gingerly cradled her side had me ready to kill. Who the fuck thought it was okay to hit a woman?

“It’s not easy being the daughter of a pack whore.”

Her words stunned me. The Rigton pack subjected some of their females to whoring? What the hell?

Cyan voiced my question, but Rebel’s laugh cut him off.

“There was no coercion. Rowan never would have let that go on. It’s hard to corral a bitch in heat, who enjoys spreading her thighs for anyone.”

Her words were filled with contempt…and hurt. What had she lived through? Especially now that her alpha was no longer around?

“What about you?” Cyan’s words rocked my world. Was he asking my mate if she was a fucking whore? Was he—


Her softly spoken question grabbed my full attention. God, she looked so young. So innocent. So undeserving of a bastard like me for a mate.