That sexy growl sent another rush of desire to coat her panties, but he stepped inside, allowing her to let the door close behind them.

“Where does Noah usually wait during these luncheons?” she asked.

“At the table, on my right,” he bit off.

She snorted but figured if he wanted her to loom behind him while he ate lunch, then so fucking be it.

“Mr. Hayes, it’s so good to see you.” The hostess stepped forward, boobs pushed forward as she hurried to greet him. The goddamn bitch was practically eye-fucking him, and if she didn’t watch it, Gwen would rip the offending orbs from her fucking skull.

Jase laughed, and Gwen blinked realizing they were both watching her.

“She’s with me,” he stated and slid his palm against the small of her back again.

“What?” she snapped when he chuckled again.

“You were growling.”

“Oh, shut up!”

Jase was still laughing as they reached the table where two women waited for him. Both looked up with surprise. He left Gwen and headed to the older woman, bending low and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Mom,” Jase said then turned and ruffled the hair of the younger woman. “Brat.”

“Jase!” the woman wailed, working to smooth her amazing blonde curls back into place.

“Gwen.” He held out a chair for her.

“If you won’t tell me where Noah usually waits, then I’ll just stand behind you,” she told him.

“Nonsense, dear,” Jase’s mom said. “Noah always sits with us.”

The brat snorted then nodded when her mother turned a look on her.

“Sit,” Jase barked.

“Please, sit. Gwen, is it?”

She nodded at his mother as she reluctantly sat so Jase would do the same.

“It’s so nice to meet you. It’s not every day my son brings a woman to lunch.”

“Try never,” the brat said then snapped her lips closed again at another look from the matriarch.

“Mom, this is Gwen Mercer, my—”

“Personal protection while Mr. Paxton is occupied elsewhere,” Gwen interrupted.

“Your taste has certainly improved, big brother. I’m Julia, by the way.” She let her gaze run over Gwen’s features as if she were trying to place her. “Wait a minute. Didn’t I see you last night at the gala?” Julia nodded vigorously.

“Another wealthy client in need of protection,” Gwen informed them, skirting her gaze toward Jase.

“Oh, I know exactly who you were with, and the shit he was telling his buddies about his plans for after the party.”

“Which were what?” Jase demanded, his voice suddenly cold and hard.

“Delusions,” Gwen assured them. “Nothing more.”

“Julia?” Jase demanded.