“That amuses you?”
Noah laughed. “Hell, yeah. Things come far too easy for you. When you want something, you snap your fingers and poof! You get it.”
“Am I really that big of an asshole?” Jase demanded.
“Arrogant? Yes. Asshole. Occasionally,” Noah teased. “Seriously, though, when was the last time anyone told you no?”
Never was the word that came to Jase’s mind. Followed quickly by one name. Julia. “Julia tells me no all the time.”
Noah snorted. “Your terror of a sister doesn’t count.”
Jase laughed. “Julia’s definitely a terror.”
“You only say that fondly because she’s a miniature female version of you.” Noah shook his head and gave a mock shudder.
“Careful or I’ll tell her you said that,” Jase warned.
“Mr. Hayes.”
Jase glanced down at his phone as his secretary’s voice came through the intercom.
“What is it, Sybil?”
“Mr. Knight and his people are here, sir.”
“Send them in,” Jase ordered and sat back in his chair, gaze glued to the door. He ignored Noah’s cough-covered laughter.
He knew each of them as they walked in. Jamison Knight was the first through the door Sybil held opened. He was followed by his son-in-law Barrett Locke. Then came Levi DiMarco, the tech genius behind Knight’s cyber security. It was said there wasn’t a computer system Mr. DiMarco couldn’t get into—a skill Jase could use. Behind Levi was Jagger Wilson, the one the media had dubbed the Playboy Knight. Standing next to him was Gwen. She was far too close to the playboy for Jase’s comfort.
He stood immediately, commanding attention, and wasn’t disappointed when Gwen’s gaze found his. She held it for a moment then let hers drop to wander along his body from head to toe. Jase felt it like a caress along his skin and forced himself to look away before he jerked her to him and bent her over his desk. Christ! He didn’t need those thoughts in his head. Not when there were more people in the room than him and Gwen.
“Mr. Hayes.” Jamison Knight moved closer, holding his hand out for Jase. His grip was confidant, without any underlying tones of aggression or a need to assert dominance. Something Jase found people prone to do when shaking his hand, as if they could intimidate him through a hard grip. People were fucking ridiculous.
“Knight,” Jase acknowledged, moving around his desk to join them. “Noah Paxton, my head of security. He’ll walk you through everything today. You’ll have full access to all our security. Whatever upgrades need to be made, do them. Noah has full authority to approve them.”
Jamison nodded. “And you’ll need one of us with you for the day while Noah is occupied.”
Not one of them. Gwen. Only Gwen. Jamison’s expression said he knew exactly what Jase was thinking.
“I have a busy schedule.” One filled with shit Jase couldn’t care less about most of the time. Today was different. He had lunch with his mom and sister, which would last longer than it should since his dad was in Europe on business for Jase. His glance flicked to Gwen. Strong. Confident. Beautiful. She took his breath away. The women in his life would love her.
“Mr. Locke would be happy to go with you,” Jamison offered, nodding toward his son-in-law.
Jase merely shook his head and swore he saw the other man’s mouth twitch with humor.
“I’m happy to be at your disposal.” Playboy himself stepped forward.
Before Jase could give another dismissal, Gwen took care of it. She slapped Jagger on the arm and snorted a laugh.
“I believe Mr. Hayes requested me for that duty.”
“I did,” he agreed.
“I’ll hang out with Mr. Hayes while the rest of you take care of the upgrade. Jagger can give me a call when Mr. Paxton’s free to resume his position.” Gwen’s gaze stayed on Jase as she spoke. His cock was rock hard behind his fly. He wondered if she was recalling how good it had felt when he’d slid inside her and rode her hard and fast.
“Are you sure?” Playboy voiced the question. His charm was discarded as he claimed Gwen’s attention and held it.
Jase watched her soften as the other man cupped her chin. He resented that touch, wanted to cross and jerk her to him if only to show the rest of the room who she belonged to.