“Go ahead.” Jase dropped a kiss on her brow and nudged her toward Bare’s wife Paisley. “I’ll head over and join the guys by the grill.”

Gwen leaned up and kissed him hard before turning and joining Paisley and Samira by the edge of the pool. Since he and Gwen had met, he’d met all of the extended family of Knight’s Watch. There were a lot of them, including some married couples. Bare and his wife Paisley, Bare’s cousin Gilly and his wife Sin, and Darren and his wife Claudia. Then there was Sin’s sister Andy who was an image consultant with offices at Knight’s Watch. There seemed to be something going on between Andy, Jamison and Jamison’s best friend and co-founder of Knight’s Watch, Tucker Wade.

Then there was Gilly’s brother Skip, Marco and his girlfriend Stephanie, and Pauly, who Jase had been informed had recently broken up with his boyfriend. Rounding out the group were Seth, Levi, Rusty and Sterling. Jase had to admit he liked all of them. Even more, he respected them. It was a great group. Of course, he’d dragged in Noah and Julia with him, which seemed to be a great thing as far as he was concerned. They were both still recovering from what Sybil had done.

“Beer?” Jagger offered when Jase joined the group around the table.

Jase snagged the bottle and took a long pull. Jagger was something else he hadn’t planned on. Who knew the man the media had dubbed the Playboy Knight had so much substance? What they’d walked into at Jase’s parents’ house had finally broken the ice between them. That and Jagger had blatantly warned Jase not to hurt Gwen. Over the last few months, they’d become fast friends, something Gwen found vastly amusing.

“Where’s Jamison and Tuck?” Jase asked after looking around.

“Chicago, visiting Tuck’s nephew Phillip and his wife Chase,” Jagger told him.

“She had the baby,” Andy added as she joined them. “They were pretty excited to go see the little guy.”

Bare’s gaze flicked to the pool, and Jase figured from what Gwen had shared that the other man was thinking of his wife and the child she’d lost during a brutal attack. An attack that had left her without the ability to have children.

“Bare,” Andy said, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

“She’s good,” he answered, not taking his gaze off his wife. “She was gushing over photos with her dad before he and Tuck left for Chicago.”

“Gilly coming?” Jagger asked.

“No, he and Sin are visiting his dad,” Andy answered before Bare. “She’s in her final trimester now, so traveling is going to get limited. They wanted to go while Gilly’s sister was home from Paris. I guess she’s thinking of moving back.”

“Ginger’s moving back?” Sterling asked with a look toward Rusty. The other man said nothing.

“Maybe,” Bare replied. “Too soon to say. Noah coming by?”

Jase shrugged. “We told him. Gwen threatened to drag him here if he didn’t show his mug. My guess is he’ll be here.”

“Julia’s in the house with Seth and Levi. They were chatting about…” Jagger shook his head. “I have no idea.”

Jase laughed. If he wasn’t mistaken, there was something blooming between his baby sister and a certain techie.

Gwen’s laughter pulled his attention back to her. Christ, she made his heart beat fast. He loved her. Was madly, deeply in love with her. She challenged him at every turn, keeping him on is toes. They both worked long hours, which meant it was a blessing she wasn’t pregnant. Not that he wanted to admit it. Though he did like the idea of more time with just the two of them. Forever wouldn’t be long enough.

“You’ve got it bad,” Jagger teased.

“No,” Jase countered. “I’ve got it very, very good. Don’t be jealous.”

Jagger snorted. Jase grinned. He did have it good. Better than he deserved, but he wasn’t complaining. Gwen rose from her seat beside the pool and headed toward the house. She turned and glanced at Jase before ducking inside.

“Excuse me,” he murmured, not caring what everyone was chatting about. He followed his woman inside, trading heat and sun for cool and shadow. He glanced toward the front room where his sister was in a lively conversation with Levi and Seth. She was laughing. It looked good on her. She had too many nightmares since the day she’d been shot.

Jase turned and headed down a hallway. He was passing by a room when a tanned, toned arm reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him inside. He found himself pinned between the door and the woman of his dreams.

“Now, that’s a sight,” she purred, eyeing his bare chest and low slung swim trunks.

“I believe that’s my line,” he countered, leaning down to kiss her throat. “Miss me?”

“Always,” she assured him, cupping his growing erection and giving it a squeeze.

She dropped to her knees in front of him and quickly had his shorts around his ankles, his cock in her hand, and her lips painting a trail of kisses across his flexing abdomen.

“God, woman,” he groaned.

With a husky laugh, she licked over his crown, paying close attention to the slit where pre-cum beaded. Her fingers stroked his shaft while she tasted him. Damn, she made him hard and hungry. So incredibly hungry.