Chapter One

Gwen Mercer was furious. The worst part of her job was the public events where she was forced to play date instead of hired bodyguard. As it was, her boss, Jamison Knight, would get an earful in the morning, and if the prick she’d been hired to guard attempted to put his hands on her one more time, she’d be the threat he needed protection from.

The asshole made another ribald comment to the group of men he was with, his gaze flicking her way and leading the others to give her appraising glances. He’d hired her because of her looks. He’d seen a leggy blonde with big, doe eyes and thought she’d be a beautiful accessory on his arm for the night. He’d obviously imagined sex.

He should have spent more time reading her qualifications. That way, he’d know the woman he was joking about laying later was an expert in hand-to-hand combat. One who’d studied Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu jitsu, and boxing. She was an expert at CQC, close quarters combat. She was an expert marksman with every firearm she’d ever picked up. She was more than a pretty face and a nice body. Something her date would learn in the next ten seconds.

“He should have chosen Samira.” Jagger Wilson caught her arm as she began to step forward. He smoothed his palm over her shoulder and down her back to settle just above her hip, leaning in to brush his lips at her ear. “She’d find the little punk amusing. I almost feel sorry for him. He has no idea he’s about to need protection from his protection.”

She snorted. “What are you doing here?” Jagger hadn’t been her backup tonight. Levi DiMarco was. Levi, who was currently in the security office, eyes glued to the monitors as he made sure there were no surprises entering the room with her.

“Levi thought our client might need rescued,” Jagger admitted with a grin.

“Pretty sure the asshole thinks he’s getting laid tonight,” she muttered, nodding her head toward the man they were speaking of.

“The fuck you say.” Jagger tensed beside her. “I’ll be happy to teach him some manners.”

She shook her head. “Maybe, we could cut his night short instead.”

“I got it,” Jagger stated.

She could tell by the look on his face Jamison would be made aware before Jagger left the building. Jamison Knight ran a tight ship at Knight’s Watch, a securities company that provided everything from bodyguards to home-and-office security systems and monitoring to cyber security. Whatever a client needed, the men and women of Knight’s Watch provided it. They were all former military. Many had hired on as a way to reacclimate to civilian life then moved on. She was one of the ones who’d stayed.

“Why don’t you go grab a drink at the bar,” Jagger suggested. “You’ve more than earned it tonight.”

“Fresh air,” Gwen countered. “If you’ve got this, I could really use some fresh air.”

Jagger gave her a smile then stepped up to the group of men. She turned away without caring what he said or how he handled it. She crossed the room, ignoring the looks, ignoring the noise, intent on reaching the balcony.

Fresh air swirled over her shoulders and played with the hem of her dress, fluttering the material around her thighs. There was a chill to the air, but Gwen didn’t feel it. She gripped the railing and tilted her head up toward the sky, letting her eyes close as she breathed.

“Now, that’s a sight a man can appreciate.”

The voice was deep, raspy, as if he had gravel rolling around his voice box. She felt it hit low in her belly and clenched her thighs. Part of her wanted to turn to see if he looked as good as he sounded. Part of her wanted to keep the possibility alive a little longer.

“It’s a beautiful night,” she commented instead, keeping her eyes closed.

“It pales next to the woman below it.”

He moved closer. Close enough she could smell his cologne on the breeze.

“I bet you say that to all the ladies.”

A chuckle washed along her spine, raising goosebumps on her skin and beading her nipples into tight points. He was walking even closer, though she didn’t hear his footsteps. She felt his heat. Close behind her without touching. He was tall, his breath brushing the top of her head. A shiver ran down her spine, making her shoulders jerk slightly forward.


She turned and found herself caught between him and the railing. She skimmed her gaze up his body, taking in hard muscles showcased to perfection in a well-tailored black tux. His face was partially turned, but she could make out his groomed beard and mustache and thick, sandy-brown hair. She’d seen him several times during the evening and had been drawn to him every time. For the first time in her life, she’d had to remind herself job before pleasure. There was something about him. Something visceral that drew her. She wanted him.

Briefly lost in fantasy, it took her a moment to realize he was removing his jacket. Then he wrapped it around her shoulders, his scent filling her senses. Hell, she’d gone from angry and ready to kill—or at least maim—to horny and ready to fuck. His fingertips brushed along her cheek, and a low groan rumbled from his chest.

“Grab a drink with me.”

It sounded like a demand, not an invitation. Surprisingly, it didn’t matter.

“I don’t even know your name,” she mused aloud. Not that it mattered. She wanted him, feeling an immediate attraction toward him. One she’d never felt for another person. It was a little scary. It was even more enticing. She had to ignore anger toward a client. Lust for this stranger? She could explore that as far as she wanted to.
