Page 39 of Kodiak's Heart

She poured both of them something to drink and pulled a box of cookies out of the cabinet. She put three on a plate for Ruby, grabbed a couple for herself then headed toward the low coffee table close to where Ruby played.

“Would you and your new friends like some cookies and milk?” she asked, setting her haul on the tabletop.

“Cookies! I yike cookies!” Ruby carefully set down her dolls and turned toward the plate. “Want to pay with me?”

“Of course,” Emersyn agreed, sitting next to Ruby on the floor. “Which princess should I be?”

“This one is me,” Ruby informed her, pointing toward one of the dolls. “This can be you. They has bond haiwr yike you an me.”

“They do,” Emersyn agreed. She and Ruby played while they ate the cookies and milk. When Ruby yawned, Emersyn was more than ready for a nap herself. “I’m thinking we need a nap.”

“I not seepy,” Ruby said around a yawn then giggled.

“Hmm, that sure sounded like a sleepy girl,” Emersyn countered as she picked up the plate and glasses and carried them to the sink in the kitchen. “Why don’t we check out the rooms and see if we can find a bed fit for a baby bear?”

Ruby scampered off toward the smaller room while Emersyn locked the door. Not that it would keep out Laramie if he wanted in, but it might detract anyone else. Ruby ran out of the smaller room and dodged inside the bigger one before coming back out and grabbing her new teddy bear.

“I yike this one.” She pointed toward the smaller room, which surprised Emersyn. She’d expected Ruby to want to sleep near her. “It’s a room for a yittle giwl.”

“Do you want me to bring your princess dolls in, too?” Emersyn asked.

“Yes, peas,” Ruby answered around another yawn.

It took ten minutes to get her little girl settled in the bed. Ruby must have been exhausted. She was asleep before Emersyn even reached the door. She left the door open and headed toward the larger room. She left the suitcases for later, eyeing the bed. It wasn’t Laramie’s. She almost smacked herself for that thought, but it remained in her head. Even when she tried to put a little space between them, he was on her mind.

She sat on the mattress and heard the crinkle of paper in her pocket as she bent to slide off her shoes. Malachi’s letter. Slipping the envelope free, she held it for a moment, almost afraid to open it. What had he said to Laramie in his letter? Why was he writing instead of calling? Leave it to Malachi to avoid conflict by sending a written message. It was hard to argue with him then.

Emersyn carefully broke the seal and took out the sheet of paper. She read the note three times before her mind processed what he was admitting. Her heart raced. Fear, she swore. But part of her insisted it was something else. Hope.


So many things I need to say. Yet, all I can think of is something your dad once said to me. Did you know Emory once told me he wished I’d met you first? He thought maybe I would have chosen you for my mate instead. For a time, I wondered what he had against Amber. Then I realized it was merely that he loved you more than anyone else in the world. I tell you this so you’ll understand what I’ve always known. What your father didn’t take the time to tell you. But then, we always think our time is limitless.

Amber hated that you were forced to hide who you are from the world. You’re a strong, fierce bear shifter. One who was taught by those you loved and respected most that you could never let the world see who you really are.

Here’s the thing, Em. Our entire lives, we’ve fought against a group of supremacists that would see us wiped off the face of the earth. We’re all hunted. Every species of shifter. The one thing we’ve learned is we’re more powerful together. We’ll still battle. We’ll take losses and take the lives of those who attack us, as well. But our greatest strength lies in sticking together.

I know your dad had plans for you. He never intended for you to be alone. I know that because of the things he said to me. He wanted to find a bear worthy of you, but there was no one in your den who measured up as far as he was concerned. Now that he’s no longer with us, I decided to step in. I sent you to the one place I knew there were bears worthy of you. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have one particular bear in mind. Laramie Holloway. It makes sense to me that the two of you come together.

Listen to me, Em. He’s the last Kodiak male. He can protect you if you let him. You’re the last Kodiak female. Trust me on this. Together, you and Laramie Holloway could create the strongest bear den in existence. Show him who you are. Who you really are. Trust your bear to help you.

Because I know how stubborn you can be, how hard your father drilled into your head the need to hide, I’ve done something I hope you’ll forgive me for. I switched your pheromone blocker pills for human vitamins. It will take some time, but the pill you take to hide the scent of your bear and repress her inside you will start fading from you. Undoing that… It’s freedom. Embrace it and her. She’s a part of you you’ve never been able to truly embrace. She needs you as much as you need her.

Then there’s Ruby. You knew I wouldn’t ignore my trump card, didn’t you? My little girl lost her mama, but she was lucky enough to find another mama in you. What will you teach her? To hide? Or to embrace who she is and live the life she’s destined for? I’m betting on the latter. It’s what Amber always wanted for you. It’s what I’m sure she’s hoping you’ll teach Ruby. I’m betting it’s what your father wanted for you, too.

Sometimes, as parents, we protect too much. Like the way you were constantly around Ruby when she first started walking, so you could prevent her from falling. But it’s okay to fall, Em. Falling is part of living. What matters is that we get back up and keep trying, keep living. Live, Em. Live with the courage of the bear inside you, and know that when a hunter comes for you, you’ll have an entire pack to guard your back. Including me.


She crumpled the paper in her hands.

“Malachi,” she whispered. “What have you done?”