Page 31 of Kodiak's Heart

“We prefer our privacy,” Emersyn said with a smile she was sure didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Finish your cereal, Ruby.”

The little girl began eating again while Matheus glanced back and forth between them.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, pushing away his bowl. “Did someone upset you?” He sighed. “Was it Jemma?”

Emersyn laughed. “No. Honestly, I haven’t seen her yet today.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “She can be a bit much to take at times.”

“A bit,” Emersyn agreed.

“I can tell you’re upset about something,” Matheus told her. “I’m glad it’s not Jemma. She’s in enough trouble most of the time, but we all try to be forgiving of her actions because of what she’s been through. Still, she doesn’t make it easy.”

“What has she been through?” Emersyn asked, unsure if Matheus would answer or not.

“After the attacks, our elders hid the women who survived. Xandra had it the roughest, but Jemma wasn’t much better. She was only thirteen at the time. After losing her family, she was taken and hidden in an underground den for five years.”

“They’re staying on the floor below the one your family is on?” Emersyn asked, and Matheus nodded. “I’m sure that doesn’t help.”

“Agreed. She’s not in love with Laramie,” Matheus offered. “In case you were wondering.”

She shook her head, but Matheus kept talking.

“She sees him as a way out, a safety net to keep her from being locked away again. Someday, she’ll realize that, but for all she tries to convince everyone she’s a woman now that she’s eighteen, there’s still a frightened little girl inside.”

Emersyn realized Matheus cared about the other woman. Not romantically. He looked at Jemma and saw below the surface to the scared woman behind the façade. Emersyn really liked this youngest Holloway.

“You’re a good person, Matheus.”

He shrugged off her compliment. “We’re all good and bad, depending on the circumstances and who’s passing judgement. Whatever it is that’s upset you, if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know.”

“I appreciate that. Maybe, you can give me an idea of a cabin that would accommodate Ruby and I?”

He stared at her for a long moment before replying. “Most of the cabins are two bedrooms if you go to the left. Singles are to the right. If you cut through the woods in back, there are a few we like to think of as honeymoon cabins.”

She did her best to fight the heat that threatened to creep up her skin to her face. Honeymoon cabins? Why had Laramie taken her to one of them? She pushed those thoughts aside. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t let it matter.

“Why don’t I show you toward Laramie’s office, then I’ll head out and make sure the sheets are fresh in one of the doubles and check that everything you might need is stocked.”

“Thank you, Matheus.”

“I like you, Emersyn. And I like Ruby. I hope the two of you stay.”

She smiled but didn’t reply. Part of her wanted to stay, too. But another part knew she needed to leave. And soon. She swore she felt a shift inside her, as if her bear were no longer content to stay hidden. She’d noticed a subtle change in her scent she hoped the others would write off as her being with Laramie. If they even noticed it. Her skin also felt sensitive to the touch. She figured that could have something to do with a change in soap, climate, or even the detergent used on the sheets. That made as much sense as anything else.

“All done, baby bear?” Matheus asked Ruby, dragging Emersyn out of her thoughts in time to catch Ruby’s nod.

While Matheus cleared the table, she helped Ruby down before picking up the backpack and turning toward the door.

“Lead the way,” she said, though she was sure she could find her way back to the office just fine. She stopped Matheus before they got too far. “I left our bags by the front door. Would you take them with you?”

He nodded though he didn’t look happy about it.

“Laramie won’t change my mind, Matheus. We go to the cabin, or we go.”

Matheus nodded again, opened his mouth, then shut it with a shake of his head. “I’ll make sure it’s ready for you. I can move your vehicle in front so you’re sure exactly which cabin I’m speaking of.”

“Thank you. The keys are still in the SUV,” she told him before turning and heading toward Laramie’s office. She wasn’t surprised to see all three of Malachi’s sisters there, along with Koby, Declan, Jensen, and Holt. Conversation immediately ceased as she and Ruby entered. Laramie’s face with flushed with anger, his gaze snapping fire. Somehow, that only heated hers more.