Page 28 of Kodiak's Heart

She shook her head where it rested against him, trying unsuccessfully to stem the flow. It was as if his touch had released a dam, and she sobbed against him. Other than the day she’d lost her father and Amber, she hadn’t cried. She’d bottled up everything inside, concentrating on Ruby, staying strong for Malachi, appearing every bit the alpha’s daughter she was. For years, she’d denied herself the need to grieve. Why was it suddenly demanding release?

Laramie held her through it all. She’d expected him to kiss her, to turn things into sex, giving her another way to release the torment ripping through her. Instead, he held her then washed her from head to toe before quickly scrubbing himself clean. The entire time, he crooned to her. Then he carried her into the other room and tucked her into his bed with Ruby, leaving her with a kiss on the brow. She watched him pull on clothes before glancing her way then slipping out the door.

Ruby snuggled close to her, burying her nose in Emersyn’s throat. Em wrapped her arms around her little girl and breathed her in. With Laramie’s scent surrounding them, and Ruby tucked tightly against her, Emersyn finally fell asleep.

* * * *

Laramie’s temper seethed as he headed above stairs. It killed him to see Emersyn as torn apart as she’d been. He still had no idea what had brought on the crying. It was easy to realize it wasn’t something she allowed herself to do often, if at all. The way she’d viciously swiped at her face, the way she’d bitten into her fist to try to stop the sobs. God, she’d ripped his heart out. Then when he’d tucked her into his bed next to Ruby, he’d wanted nothing more than to crawl in with her, to hold her next to him while she fell asleep. It had taken everything he had to turn, dress, and leave.

He headed straight to his office, knowing most of the house was still abed this early in the morning. He was lost in his head when Jensen burst in. His hair was mussed, his eyes tired, and his clothes rumpled. Laramie knew his brother had been up all night working on what Laramie had asked him to.

“I need more blood,” Jensen stated without preamble.

Laramie pushed up his sleeve.

“Not yours,” Jensen said with a shake of his head. “Hers. I’d like to test Ruby’s also, but I won’t push on that.”

“What did you find?” Laramie questioned.

“A whole lot of nothing at first. Then something. But so minute of a something I almost wonder if I found anything at all.”

“Well, that clears it up,” Laramie replied, barely refraining from rolling his eyes.

“Exactly,” Jensen agreed. “Which is why I need her blood. I don’t know if she’ll give it to me. So I thought maybe I could get the stuff to you so you could get it for me.”

“And how do you propose I do that?” Laramie asked.

“Figure it out,” Jensen snapped. “Despite what everyone thinks, I can’t do everything. Just get me that sample.”

“What do you think you’ve found?”

“Your testosterone levels have increased dramatically. More so than even Koby’s or Declan’s when they mated,” Jensen informed him.

“I’m the only Kodiak,” Laramie offered. “Maybe, that has something to do with it.”

“Maybe, but I feel like there’s something more involved here. I really want that blood sample, Laramie. Something tells me to look there.”

Laramie nodded. “You can ask. If she says no—”

“When,” Jensen interjected.

“I’ll talk to her,” Laramie agreed.

“I’m worried about you,” Jensen admitted.

“There’s nothing to worry about, Jensen.”

“I want another sample from you later this morning. I want to keep an eye on the testosterone levels for now. And semen.”

“What the fuck do you need with that?” Laramie demanded, and his brother flushed.

“I took a sample from the cloth you gave me with her blood on it, and other fluids from both of you. There was no way I wasn’t getting a sample of your semen.”

“And?” Laramie was almost afraid to ask.

“Your sperm count is off the charts.” Jensen paused and cleared his throat, suddenly appearing uncomfortable. “How many times did the two of you have sex last night?”

Laramie shrugged. “Maybe seven, eight times.”