Chapter Six
Emersyn woke up to bouncing and giggles. She’d been having the most erotic dream, starring none other than the alpha de jour, Laramie Holloway.
Little fingers lifted her eyelid, and there was Ruby’s face. “Wake up, Mama. I hungwy.”
Emersyn opened her eyes and pulled Ruby to her, tickling her sides. Ruby’s giggles were one of her favorite sounds in the whole world. “You’re hungry, huh?”
“I’s stawfing,” Ruby assured her.
“Well, then, maybe, we should get dressed and see if we can find the kitchen.”
“My new fwiend is gonna make pannycakes,” Ruby said, and Emersyn glanced around until it dawned on her Ruby was still thinking of what Laramie had said last night.
“That was last night, baby bear. Laramie may not remember this morning.”
Ruby glared, crossing her arms over her chest. “But I want pannycakes!”
“Oh, no, you don’t.” Emersyn warned. “I’ll have none of that. You’ll be a nice, polite young lady, or you’ll spend the rest of the day in this room by yourself. Do I make myself clear?”
Ruby’s bottom lip trembled, and big, crocodile tears filled her eyes. “I sowwy.”
Emersyn scooped her up and cuddled her close. “We’re going to be okay, baby. I promise.”
“I be good giwl.”
“I know you will. Let’s go brush our teeth and get ready,” Emersyn said as she slipped off the bed and held out her arms for Ruby.
“Then pannycakes?” Ruby asked.
“Then we’ll see if we can find some pancakes,” Emersyn agreed.
They brushed their teeth, then she put Ruby in the shower which turned into her taking another shower so she could wash Ruby. Finally, they were dressed, with Ruby wearing her pink cowboy boots again, and heading out of Laramie’s room in search of the kitchen. They’d barely closed the door when the girl from the other day stepped out of an alcove as if she’d been waiting for them.
“Don’t get too accustomed to that room,” Jemma warned. “You won’t be spending much time there.”
Ruby growled and kicked out, catching the other woman on her shin with the toe of her boots.
“Watch it, you little brat!” Jemma snapped and lifted her hand.
Emersyn stepped in front of Ruby, anger flashing in her eyes. “Don’t you ever raise a hand to my daughter, or I’ll rip you apart with my bare hands.”
“Whatever,” Jemma muttered, but she gave Emersyn a strange look. Then she inhaled. “Stupid human.”
She turned and went back the way she’d come, disappearing into the shadows that must lead to the floor below them Jaeda had started to tell Emersyn about the day before. As if her thoughts had conjured the other woman, a door opened down the hall, and Jaeda stepped out.
“Hello,” she called as she hurried to meet them. She dropped to her knees in front of Ruby and held out a hand. “I’m Jaeda. You must be Ruby. I’ve been dying to meet you.”
Ruby wrapped an arm around Emersyn’s leg and clung there as she eyed Jaeda. The other woman made no move, just sat back on her knees, smile in place, waiting. Emersyn noted the scent the other woman carried. She found it interesting that the Blackstone twins were so in tune with one another.
“You ‘lated to my daddy?” Ruby asked.
“Yes,” Jaeda answered. “Your father is my brother. My older brother. I love him very much.”
“I yuv him, too,” Ruby agreed and finally held out a hand to Jaeda.
Jaeda took the hand and shook it softly. Emersyn saw the shimmer of tears the other woman fought to hide.
“Why you cwy?” Ruby asked.