“Maybe, next time,” she offered, rubbing her lips over his nipple.
“Careful, love. I’m not sure you’re ready for more yet.”
She nipped him with her teeth. “I’ll always be ready for you.”
He groaned. “Talk first. Why was Natalie taking Ruby?”
Emersyn tensed. “She planned to use her to try to control Malachi. I guess he’s been sending people this way.”
“Yes,” Laramie agreed. “He called and told me. Said if I could convince you to stay, the Washington den would stay, also.”
“God, Laramie. I left them. Rissa called me out on it. Said I isolated myself with Malachi and Ruby when my dad and Amber died. I pulled away from the pack and walked away. She was right.”
“You were grieving,” he assured her, stroking his palm along her back.
“Did you do that when you grieved your father?” she asked.
“It’s not the same,” he told her.
“If you say it’s because I’m a woman,” she began, but he shook his head.
“I had six younger brothers who looked to me to fill our father’s shoes. Then the attacks happened right after. I had no choice but to step in. There were those who said I never officially proclaimed myself alpha. And maybe, I didn’t with words. But I did with my actions. I stepped in, stepped up, and did my best to help this den heal. When it seemed all of our women had been killed off, what was the point in words?”
“In Washington, the attacks happened all at once. My father and all of his enforcers were ambushed. Someone managed to call for help. Malachi was barely alive when they arrived. It was weeks before he awoke. Then I had to tell him the others hadn’t survived, introduce him to his daughter and explain that Amber had died during childbirth.”
“That’s a lot to ask of anyone,” Laramie soothed.
“Natalie said she was with Amber when she went into labor. That she left her and Ruby to die. Natalie had to die for that alone.”
“She did,” he agreed, sensing she needed his reassurance she’d done the right thing. “I heard her talking about Titus, the new alpha in Washington. Do you think he had anything to do with the attacks?”
She shook her head, paused as she looked thoughtful, then shook her head again. “No. Malachi said as much when we spoke. For all Titus’ faults, I don’t believe he would have killed my father or the others. He had friends who died that day. Close friends, Laramie. He grieved with the rest of us. He’s arrogant, but as Rissa pointed out, he stepped up to lead when no one else would.”
“Let me tell you this. The man responsible for planning the attacks on our den is Lawrence Walker.”
Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. “Walker as in Titus Walker? The bear who took my dad’s place? I have to let Malachi know!”
“Malachi knows. I don’t know if Titus was in on it or not, but we’ll find out. And if he’s as guilty as Lawrence is, then he’ll pay the same price.”
“You’re going to kill him,” Emersyn said.
“My plan was to let those who were left without the chance of a mate strike the blows, but knowing there are females still alive, from this den as well as the one in Washington, makes me wonder about that. Either way. He will die. I won’t abide a traitor.” On that he was certain.
“There are plenty of females in our den, Laramie. If Malachi is sending them this way, there won’t be a problem with finding mates.”
“Speaking of people from there. What about Rissa and Adam?” Laramie asked. “They came here with Natalie.”
“I can’t see either of them being a part of Natalie’s plan, but I never would have thought Natalie capable of what she did, either. But…Malachi sent them here.”
“Actually, Malachi sent Rissa and Adam here. He didn’t know Natalie was with them. Seemed surprised when I told him and told me to keep an eye on her. I already had one of my enforcers watching her. I’m glad I did. He was already in place to intervene when you went after her.”
“I didn’t see him, but it wouldn’t have mattered,” she admitted. “Ruby is my daughter, Laramie. She’ll always be my daughter, and I will protect her.”
“I know that. She’s come to mean a lot to me. I’m grateful Malachi entrusted me with her safety. And yours.”
She laughed. “Malachi sent me here to find a mate.”
“What?” Laramie asked.