Page 34 of Kodiak's Heart

Chapter Eleven

Laramie turned his gaze on Emersyn and lifted a brow. She knew what was going through his mind. She’d said she was a member of the pack in Washington because she was related to Malachi’s mate. A carefully disguised truth. Her heart thumped in her throat. Had Titus sent someone after her? She had to get outside and find out what the hell was going on.

“Matheus, will you keep an eye on Ruby for me? She’s watching a video,” Emersyn said, feeling torn between dealing with the new dilemma and staying where Ruby could see her. Though part of her knew it had been unintentional, they’d made Ruby cry.

“I can—” Jaeda started to offer, but a shake of Emersyn’s head stopped the words.

“I’m not okay with that. Not anymore,” Emersyn said softly.

“Baby bear and I will be fine,” Matheus assured her. “They’re waiting in front of the house.”

She nodded and moved to leave the room. Laramie stepped in front of her.

“Anything you want to tell me before we go out there?” His gaze was hooded, and though the lust that always spiked between them was there, it was shadowed by something else. Something that made her heart ache. Suspicion.

“You either trust me or you don’t,” she offered quietly as she moved past him.

He caught her by the shoulder and dropped his mouth to hers in front of the whole room. She heard several discreet coughs and clearing of throats, but Laramie took her under far too easily until she was lost in him, his touch. By the time he let her up for air, she knew her lips were swollen and her hair was no longer in a ponytail. Why he’d removed her band, she had no idea, but he looked rather pleased with himself as he took her hand and led the way.

Emersyn took a deep breath as Laramie pushed open the door. The first thing she saw was Brock and Slade, looks of surprise and interest on their faces as they watched a trio standing around the hood of a gray Ford.

“Emersyn!” Rissa burst from the group and charged for her. Emersyn tugged free of Laramie and met her former friend halfway. Adam and Natalie walked over to join them. Her pack. Friends she’d grown up with. Friends who’d agreed to accept Titus as their alpha when Emersyn’s father had been killed.

“What are you doing here? Does Titus know you left? How did you know I was here? How… Malachi.”

Rissa laughed. “Yes, Malachi. He sent us this way. Said we’d find you and that you might need us.”

Leave it to Malachi to send reinforcements. She had a million questions to ask them but kept her silence. They were things she’d rather ask when they were alone.

“Em, why don’t you introduce me to your friends?” Laramie’s voice commanded attention, and all of them turned his way.

“You must be Laramie,” Adam said, moving forward with his hand held out in greeting. After a brief moment, Laramie accepted it. “Malachi described you pretty accurately.”

“I’ll say,” Natalie agreed, sounding a little too interested to suit Emersyn. She sent the other woman a sharp glance that had Natalie grinning.

“He sent a letter for you,” Adam continued. “It’s in the truck. I’ll grab it.”

“I’m Rissa, by the way.” Rissa took Adam’s place and held out her hand. “Rissa Montgomery. My brother, Adam, and our cousin, Natalie.”

“Laramie Holloway,” he replied then turned to point out the others. “My brothers, Brock and Slade. Koby and his mate, Sidia. Jensen. And Holt and his mate, Jaeda. Slade, why don’t you go make sure one of the cabins is set up for our three guests.”

“Ruby and I are in one of the cabins to the left.” Emersyn pointed toward where Matheus had moved her SUV. “I’m sure there’s one close to us where they could stay.”

Laramie growled but nodded toward Slade. “How long will the three of you be staying?”

Rissa shrugged. “Guess that depends on Emersyn.”

He lifted a brow, turning the full force of his gaze onto her. Thankfully, Adam rejoined them.

“Here you go. Malachi said this would explain some of your questions, and Emersyn could explain the rest,” Adam told Laramie.

“He seems to have a lot of faith in his mate’s cousin,” Laramie commented.

“Nah, he has a lot of faith in Emory Langston’s daughter,” Adam corrected.

“Emory Langston?” Laramie’s gaze was hard, unyielding, and she felt the weight of Adam’s next words before they even left his lips.

“Emersyn’s dad. Our former alpha.”