“On the couch there are my brothers, Jensen and Slade. Jensen’s our family doctor. He can take a look at Ruby tomorrow.”
“No.” Emersyn kept her voice soft, but the silence that followed her comment let her know how rare it was for Laramie to be challenged.
“Ruby is a member of this pack, and as such—”
“No,” she said again, interrupting Laramie. His hand tightened on her shoulder, and she pointedly flicked her gaze from his fingers to his face until he relaxed them.
“As her mother, my wishes outweigh yours.”
He shook his head slowly as if making sure she caught the motion. “You may be human, Emersyn, but in this pack, I’m alpha, and my word is law.”
She smiled, all teeth. He had no clue who he was fucking with. “As Ruby’s mother, I don’t care. My child. My choice.” She held up her palm when he opened his mouth. “End of discussion, Laramie. She’s four, away from her dad. Among strangers. She’s tired and scared. The last thing I’ll let you do is have her poked and prodded just so you can learn that she’s fine. Which she is.”
“Don’t make me regret coming here.” She interrupted again and could tell by the way his jaw jutted out that he wasn’t happy about it.
“Malachi sent you here,” Laramie told her as if she didn’t remember what she’d told him earlier. “To ask for my protection.”
“He also told me to use my own judgement and gave me instructions on what to do if I didn’t feel as if Ruby and I would be okay here.”
Laramie stepped away from her as a growl rumbled up his throat. She felt the loss of his touch immediately but refused to back down. He needed to know she was in charge when it came to Ruby. She flicked her gaze between the two women in the room. They all needed to know it.
“I’ve had my fucking fill of people questioning my ability to protect.” He all but roared the words, and Emersyn could tell by the expressions around her that he was referring to more than what she’d stated.
“I’m not doubting you, Laramie.” She spoke softly, in contrast to his harsh tone. “I’m merely asking you to trust me and give Ruby time to adjust to our new surroundings. She’s already feeling overwhelmed. Please.”
She held his gaze, not looking toward anyone else in the room, and knew she’d gotten through to him when he nodded.
“For now,” he agreed.
“Thank you,” she replied then turned back toward Jensen and Slade. “Nothing personal, Jensen.”
“No offense taken,” Jensen assured her. “I’ll be happy to see to both of you, if you need me to.”
“I’m human,” she reminded him. “But I’ll keep you in mind if Ruby needs you.”
He opened his mouth, glanced behind her, and shut it again, before smiling and nodding. She wondered briefly what silent exchange he’d had with Laramie, but introductions continued.
“My brothers, Brock and Matheus, on the other sofa, and Declan and his mate, Xandra, on the half-couch.”
“Xandra?” she questioned, leaning forward in her chair. She already knew the answer but needed them to admit it.
“Blackstone,” the woman stated. “Malachi’s sister.”
“We were told you’d died,” Emersyn told them. “All of you. Malachi…” She paused, swallowing. “He was devastated.”
“So devastated he didn’t bother to come pay his respects,” Xandra snapped.
“That’s not fair,” Emersyn rebuked and watched Xandra flush—with embarrassment or anger, she wasn’t sure. “Amber was pregnant by the time news reached us. Malachi… He fell apart.” It broke her heart to remember her friend then. Amber had been his sanity. The one thing to keep him going when his heart had shattered. “He’d planned to come back here once Ruby was born.”
“Why didn’t he?” Laramie asked softly, and his warm palm cupped the back of her neck. God, she wanted to lean into his touch, let it bring her strength as she thought of what had prevented Malachi from coming home.
“The den Malachi was with was attacked. Many were killed, including the alpha. Malachi barely survived, then we almost lost him again during the aftermath,” she told them, pushing thoughts of her own grief aside as she fought to keep her pulse and breathing even. She had to keep her bear calm. She closed her eyes briefly before continuing. “Amber went into labor during the attacks. She was alone. Labor must have been difficult.”
“Must have been?” Jensen asked, leaning forward.
“When I found them, Amber had cut Ruby from her belly. I don’t know why. Amber was small, barely five feet. She saved Ruby. They think she bled out waiting for help to arrive.”