Chapter Four
Emersyn took a deep breath as she preceded Laramie out of his bedroom. It didn’t sit well with her to leave her baby girl alone in an unfamiliar house. What if Ruby woke up? She might not be able to find Emersyn.
“Ruby will be fine.” Laramie’s voice was deep, husky, and she felt the weight of his lust as intimately as she did the breath that tickled her ear at his assurance.
“I don’t like leaving her alone.”
“She won’t be. Jaeda will sit with her.”
Emersyn stopped, jerking around to face him with wide eyes. “Jaeda’s alive, too?”
He nodded. “There’s a lot you don’t know. Thus, the talk.”
“I… Malachi has no idea. He thinks he’s lost everyone except Ruby.”
“And you,” Laramie added softly.
“And me,” Emersyn agreed. “If he knew the twins were alive. God, I have to get in touch with him.”
Laramie’s hand planted on the small of her back, turning her around and urging her toward the stairway leading up to the main floor. A door opened, and Em turned to see a woman who looked remarkably like Sidia walk toward Laramie’s door. The hair was longer, but one glance showed the same green eyes her baby bear had.
“Ruby will be fine,” Laramie said again, pressing his palm to urge Emersyn to keep moving.
It was only her need for answers that got her feet moving. That and the sooner the talking was done, the sooner she could get back to Ruby. At the top of the stairs, she met the glare of the younger woman again. She thought Laramie had called her Jemma. The woman definitely didn’t like Emersyn. She had a feeling it had a lot to do with Laramie and his attention to Emersyn.
She kept quiet though and continued walking where Laramie directed. He was a solid presence at her side. It would be so easy to lean into him, soak up some of his heat and strength, but it was a luxury she couldn’t allow herself. Her bear was already riding close to the surface where he was concerned, and the last thing she needed was to encourage it.
Had she taken her blocker that morning?
The stray thought had her pausing, catching Laramie unaware and making him step into her. For a brief moment, she felt the press of his body against hers. For the first time in too long, she let down her guard and leaned into him. His hands cupped her hips, fingers squeezing briefly as his mouth dropped to her ear.
“Nothing to be afraid of, Em. I’ll protect you.”
She closed her eyes and forced herself to step away. She had a feeling he couldn’t protect her from what might have her throwing away a lifetime of caution. Him. What was happening to her?
He inhaled, lowering his head to her shoulder and dropping a kiss there. He inhaled again.
“What?” she asked.
“You’re human?” It was a question. Again, she briefly questioned if she’d remembered to take her blocker that morning. But she must have. Regardless of the hectic road trip. It was habit for her.
“Of course.” She laughed, playing off his question as she moved farther away from him. “Why would you ask that?”
His blue eyes glowed briefly, and she knew what was happening. Knew his bear was close to the surface. Exactly where she didn’t need it to be. Her father had told her Kodiak’s were a breed all their own. Bigger. Better. Stronger. Maybe ego, but she chose to think there was truth to it. When she’d been younger, her mother had told her, when the time came, she’d know her mate instantly. No questions. As it had been with her parents. One look and her parents had known. She glanced at Laramie again, and her heartbeat kicked up. God, what she wouldn’t give to have her father with her now.
Laramie shrugged and continued walking, his palm once more pressing against her lower back, feeling like a brand as it heated her skin.
She stepped into an office. Desk on one side. Two chairs, a love seat, and two couches on the other. She recognized Koby and Sidia from earlier and placed the others as brothers from what Malachi had shared. Her step faltered again as she took in another woman. She couldn’t allow Laramie to know she could scent the familial bond that proclaimed the woman a Blackstone. She forced her legs to move again and noticed the hush that fell when Laramie pressed her into one of the chairs. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. It was his chair. What the hell was he thinking? She started to stand, but his hand fell on her shoulder, keeping her in place while he loomed beside her. A bodyguard. And everyone in the room seemed to note it.
Sidia was the one to break the tense silence. “Where’s Malachi?”
“I…” Emersyn stalled, trying to remember exactly what Malachi had told her to share, the things he’d wanted kept between the two of them until she heard from him in three days. God! Three of his sisters were alive. Maybe, that would bring him back to them quicker. Or maybe, she could go after him. That thought gave her pause. She glanced around the room, paying close attention to the two women. Could she trust them with her baby bear?
“Introductions first,” Laramie said and pointed people out. “My brother, Koby, who you met earlier, along with his wife, Sida.”
Sidia’s hands clenched, and Koby tugged her onto his lap, wrapping one arm around her waist and spreading his palm over her there. Emersyn concentrated and tried to inhale without being obvious. It was there. A subtle scent, just beginning. Life. The couple were expecting a baby bear of their own.