Chapter One
“Mama Em.”
Emersyn Langston glanced up as her little girl called her name. Once the precocious four-year-old knew she had the attention she sought, she flew into the room and pounced on Emersyn’s lap.
“You’re supposed to be tucked in your bed, fast asleep,” Emersyn, Em to her family, scolded softly while her fingers danced across the little girl’s ribs, bringing peals of giggles to fill the room.
“I not seepy,” Ruby told her then yawned hugely before bringing up her fists to rub her eyes.
“Hmm, I can see that,” Em agreed before grabbing the throw off the back of the couch and tucking it around the little girl in her arms. Gingerly, she brushed long, blonde curls off Ruby’s face and tucked them behind her ear. Big, green eyes blinked up at her before dropping closed as Ruby tucked her thumb into her mouth.
Em held her close, stroking her hair. For the millionth time, she wished her cousin had lived to see her daughter grow up. It had been bad luck that Amber had gone into labor during the attacks that had taken out many of their den. Her cousin’s mate, Malachi Blackstone, had nearly lost his life trying to protect Em’s father. To no avail. The pack alpha, Emory Langston, had been viciously killed, his head severed from his body. Fucking hunters and their quest to eliminate all shifters.
Em suppressed a whimper but wasn’t surprised when Ruby snuggled closer, one hand reaching up to grip the strap of Em’s tank top. The little girl had a way of knowing when Em was upset, no matter how hard Em tried to hide it. Malachi said it was because Em was the only mom his daughter had ever known. Sometimes, the only parent, thanks to the war hunters kept bringing to their door.
In the aftermath of the alpha’s death, the den had splintered. Most of those who’d remained took Titus Walker as their new alpha. Emersyn had not. She didn’t trust something about the other male. He’d come by a few times, under the guise of offering his condolences or because he was checking on her. She knew better. Titus had sniffed her out, smiling the entire time. Though the scent of his lust had thickened the air around them, he’d left her alone. If he’d had any idea she wasn’t the human female she appeared to be, she had little doubt he’d have tried to force her to mate him.
Thankfully, the pheromone blockers she took prevented anyone from knowing what she was. Another bear shifter would only know she was more by tasting her blood. That would never happen. Even without him knowing what she truly was, Em believed Titus would have tried to force her to mate if Malachi hadn’t been with her. Human or not, she was the alpha’s daughter and many still looked to her for guidance. Titus knew that. But the scent of another clung to Em’s skin. Malachi’s. Titus couldn’t challenge that. He didn’t know the only reason Em’s skin wore the scent was from Ruby. The little girl would carry her parent’s scent until she was older and hit puberty. Then she’d develop her own unique scent. For now, the baby rubbed against the woman she thought of as her mother, thus marking Em as hers.
Em was hers. Just as much as Ruby was Em’s. She’d die to protect Ruby. Even more, she’d kill. Amber had been like Em’s sister. The two of them had been inseparable as kids.
Ruby was the only reason Em had stayed on her feet after losing her father and Amber at the same time. Malachi hadn’t been so lucky. On the heels of discovering his pack in Wyoming had also been attacked and his entire family had been killed, he’d lost his mate. It broke him. His sole mission had become finding the person responsible. Anyone could see his love for Ruby, but his self-imposed duty kept him away for long periods, leaving Ruby and Em alone.
He was fueled by vengeance. He’d spent the time since Amber’s death searching for answers. Why the attack had happened? Who was behind it? He believed the assaults on the two bear dens were related. At first, Em hadn’t seen how. One den was in Wyoming while the other was in Washington. Plus, other than Malachi, they had nothing in common. Emory Langston had ruled the Washington den while Mathew Holloway had ruled the Wyoming den. Though the two had been thought to be the last of the Kodiaks, they’d never met to Em’s knowledge. Malachi had shared the existence of the other den with them when he’d arrived, urging Emory to reach out to the Holloway alpha. Whether he ever had or not, she’d never know. Both men had died in similar attacks. It was too much of a coincidence not to be related.
Ruby snuggled closer, and Em couldn’t resist placing a kiss on her baby-soft cheek. The little girl was the perfect combination of her parents. Amber’s blonde curls, a Langston staple, and Malachi’s green eyes. Em liked to think Ruby got her curiosity and general orneriness from her.
“Sometimes, when I see the two of you like that, it’s hard to remember you’re not the one who gave birth to her. You and my mate could have been twins.” Malachi’s voice was soft as he entered, and when Em glanced up, she saw open grief on his face. Something else was there, too. Fear. She saw it in his stiff posture.
“Malachi, what’s wrong?”
“I need you to do something for me.” His gaze never wavered from his daughter. “I’ve found a string I need to tug. It won’t be safe for either of you when I do.”
She tensed as awareness washed over her, and Ruby whimpered, burying her nose into Em’s neck until Em forced her body to relax again. “You know who killed my father?”
“Hunters killed your father. Same as they killed my family. You know that,” Malachi stated, but she saw the truth in his eyes. Technically, hunters had been the ones to attack, but he believed the same as she did. The betrayal had to have come from someone within their den. Someone who knew exactly when and where to attack.
“Who?” Her voice remained soft in deference to the sleeping child in her arms, but there was no denying the alpha demand behind it. She was her father’s daughter.
“When I’m sure, you’ll know,” Malachi said. “I need you to take Ruby and go to Wyoming.”
“Wyoming?” Her mind spun. “The Holloways? Why would you send us there?”
“Because Laramie Holloway has just declared himself alpha and has commanded every member of our pack to appear.”
“I’m not a member of your den.”
“Ruby is, and as her surrogate mother, so are you.”
The sorrow in his gaze nearly tore her apart. How dangerous was this avenue he intended to pursue?
“I’ve lost everything, Em. My mate. My family. Ruby’s all I have left. Please, help me protect her. Please.” His voice broke as if the plea cost him greatly.
“You know I’d do anything for Ruby,” she reminded him.
“Then pack. I need the two of you to leave as soon as possible. Tonight. Stop only to rest.”