“You’re mine,” he growled.

He thrust fully inside me before I could counter. Instead, I gasped, eyes going wide as my mouth fell open. Good God! I’d known he was big. I’d seen and felt his cock, but it was different when he filled me with it.

“Every fucking inch of you. Mine,” he growled again then began moving.

He powered into me and with my body bent in two there wasn’t much I could do but take it. I took that as an excuse to be selfish, to focus on what I felt and not worry whether or not it was good for him. Then again, his harsh groans and panting told me he felt just fine.

“Bastion.” His name was a moan of pleasure leaving my lips, and he paused.

“Wrap around my waist,” he commanded, dropping my legs.

I went for his mouth immediately, reaching up and gripping his hair with both hands, jerking his face down to mine. I needed to taste him, to touch him. I rubbed my nipples against his chest, and both of us groaned. Then I slid my hands down and sank my nails into his ass, urging him to move again. My legs gripped his hips, not because he’d told me to wrap them around him and I was being defiant but because holding him like that gave me leverage to meet him thrust for thrust.

We crashed against one another, our bodies pounding together so the air was filled with the slaps of flesh. He growled and grunted, possessing my mouth as thoroughly as he did my sex. And I took everything he gave and demanded more, more, more. I rubbed against him, making sure both nipples felt the abrasion of his chest hair, making sure his groin slapped my clitoris with every stroke. It drove me to the edge and sent me flying, screaming my rapture to the night sky.

“Over, baby,” Bastion urged, and I wasn’t sure how long he’d been speaking. I might have blacked out a little when my orgasm had hit me. I realized immediately he was no longer inside me, and I needed that corrected quickly. I whimpered with need and let his hands guide me until I was on my hands and knees, both of which shook.

Hard hands gripped my hips, and I felt him move over me. His legs were on the outside of mine, and he pressed down on the middle of my back, urging me to rearrange my body until I hit the position he wanted.

Then his cock slid deep again. There was no build up this time. He drove hard, owning my pussy with every powerful stroke. He covered me completely, his chest blanketing my back, his chin coming to rest at my shoulder. He nudged my head to the side, and I knew what he planned. I’d bitten him a few times, marking him with my sharp teeth. He was preparing to return the favor.

“Mine,” he growled once more as if I hadn’t already received the message.

He bit down hard on my trapezius muscle, sinking in his teeth and drawing blood. I bucked, unintentionally forcing his cock deeper, so deep it tapped against my cervix. There was pain at the depth of penetration, but there was pleasure, as well. I knew that pleasure was intensified by the fire of his saliva as it flooded my system, and I wondered briefly if he’d experienced the same sensation when I’d bitten him.

Bastion growled as he held me in place, one arm planted beside mine while his other snagged around my waist. His cock swelled inside me, locking us together more snugly than his hold, and I felt the first gush of his cum fill me. I dropped my upper body to the ground, turning my head into his arm and biting down on his forearm in an attempt to hold back my screams as his pleasure became a catalyst for my own. I flew higher this time, and I swore I saw fireworks behind my tightly closed lids.

I wasn’t sure how long we stayed that way. All I knew was at some point, Bastion lifted me into his arms, holding me against his chest, and began walking.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, the words slurring past lips that still tingled from what we’d shared. If this was the norm for having sex, I wondered why the hell I’d ever waited to experience it. Somehow, I knew it would only be this way with Bastion. He was why I’d waited.

“Home, baby,” he whispered, dropping a soft kiss on my lips. “We’re going home.”

I wondered briefly what my dad would say when a naked Bastion carried an equally naked me into our house. Then again, this was exactly what my dad had wanted. Me mated, linking the two wolf packs completely. I wanted to be angry that I’d fallen in line with those plans, but I couldn’t. I wanted Bastion, and now, I had him.

I felt safe and secure in his arms and let my body relax completely. He murmured something, but sleep was already tugging at me. I snuggled closer to him, burying my head in his neck and slipping blissfully away.