Page 4 of Breaking Into Love

He stopped at a door and put his hand on the reader. The portal slid open and revealed a room much larger than I’d expected.

“After you,” he urged, pressing against my back to get me to step inside.

A bed dominated the room. It was huge, easily large enough for three or four people. He crowded in behind me, and his erection brushed against me when our bodies touched. I jumped away, swiftly moving across the room to stroke my hand over the end of the bed. The covering was soft and silky, and I was betting it would feel great over my bare skin when I slept. It was getting late, and I was usually an early-to-bed, early-to-rise person.

The rest of the room was sparsely furnished. I saw two panels and assumed one led to another bathing room and the other to a closet. I planned to make use of both, though I wasn’t sure I had anything packed that would require hanging. I was waiting to dump the bag and see if there was more at the bottom, hidden under all my sheers.

“Bathing room over there. Closet there. Both will open for you. Just press the button. This entry door will also open for you. You can go back to the main room, as well. The rest of the areas are off limits, unless you’re with me or Tor. Is that understood?”

Webb lifted his brow at me, as if daring me to forget the order for me to be obedient. It was as if he wanted to punish me.

A shiver went through me again. It was crazy. After years of not finding myself attracted to anyone—at least, not enough to give away my virginity—I found myself sexually drawn to the two alphas I’d said wouldn’t do well in a committed triad with a female.

Talk about a glutton for punishment! I needed to get my head back in control and push other thoughts away. Tor and Webb weren’t for me. Hell, they wouldn’t be good for any woman. At least, not long term, and I was smart enough to know I couldn’t keep my heart from engaging once sex was involved. For some reason, I just wasn’t built that way. That was the real reason I was still a virgin. I wanted more than a good time. I wanted what I’d read in the antiquated fairytale books I’d discovered as a teen. I wanted happily ever after.

“Mandriella?” Webb called, making me realize I’d yet to answer his question.

“Don’t call me that. I go by Mandy.”

“But Mandriella is so much more…” He paused, and I held my breath, almost expecting him to say it was sexier. “Interesting.”

“It’s Mandy,” I snapped, and he grinned as if he knew what I’d been thinking.

“Do you understand what I said, Mandy?”

“I’ve got it. Stay here or go back to the front. Is there a viewing room where I can see where we’re traveling?”

Most shuttles came equipped with them, and I had a fondness for looking out into the open space around me. It was humbling to realize how small we were in the vast expanse of space around us. I’d once dreamed of visiting other galaxies or even returning to look at some of the other places our civilizations had once called home. It would be interesting to walk on firm ground with only sky above me. To see and feel the crystal-clear fluid our ancestors had once bathed in. There was so much I longed to experience, but I’d come to accept my job was in intelligence. I’d always be the one left behind to man the computer systems others depended on.

Webb shook his head. “Not unless one of us is with you.”

I opened my mouth to offer a scathing comment but slammed it shut at his lifted brow. Soon enough he’d learn what it meant to have an intelligence officer on his shuttle.

He seemed to like keeping his head free of hair. Maybe, I should see how he’d like a phase one cleaning during his next shower to help rid him of all the hair on his body. I almost let my grin slip free at that thought. Now, what could I cook up for Tor? Oh, this would be an interesting trip after all.

“No questions?” he probed when I stayed silent.

“Do you mind if I get ready for bed then? I’m actually pretty tired.”

“Go ahead.” He waved his hand toward the bed. “Tor and I will be a while before we turn in.”

I didn’t think he wanted me to keep them company, so I wasn’t sure why he was sharing that tidbit with me. I didn’t care when they turned in. Maybe, the later they stayed up, the later they’d sleep. That would give me plenty of time to do a little hacking into their systems.

My lips twitched to release the grin I held back. I couldn’t wait to start working in the morning. Maybe, I’d let them have access to the bathing room and their room, wherever it was, and only allow access to the rest of the shuttle if they were with me.

“No comment?” Webb asked.

I shook my head. I was already plotting. Webb grinned at me, and it softened his face, making him look younger and sexier. That grin rocked me to my core. I shouldn’t want him the way I did. He and Tor shouldn’t turn me on at all. They were all wrong. I should know. I’d done the research that proved it. Maybe, a good night’s sleep would help me remember that.

I’d make the control room my first stop in the morning and contact Liege Commander Diamato. That way I could make sure he’d sanctioned this little kidnapping then find out exactly why. Maybe, he knew something more about the code I was working on. That thought made me realize I’d left my handheld on the couch.

“I left my device in the entryway on the couch,” I told him.

“I’ll drop it by after I talk to Tor.”

“You can leave it. I’ll get it in the morning.” I wasn’t keen on the idea of Webb walking in once I was in bed for the night.

He gave me a inquiring look but didn’t say anything. I got the impression he was trying to figure something out about me. I wouldn’t help him, whatever it was.

“Goodnight, Webb,” I said and nodded toward the door.

That wicked grin appeared. Then he laughed aloud.

“You do realize…?” He stopped, stared at me then shook his head.

“What?” I questioned.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” he promised then turned and left the room.

His words were ominous, making me apprehensive. I hated cryptic comments. Then I thought of just how much he and Tor would find out about me tomorrow. I had plans for my two alpha captors, and I couldn’t wait to get started.