I hope it means no one will tell my family about this... I don’t want them to be worried about me.

I take a breath and lift my chest. I’ve done nothing wrong. I protected my mate and myself, even though Kendra may not consider herself my mate, I was doing that regardless. Even if she wasn’t and wouldn’t be my mate, I’d still protect her, even if it meant I would end up killing someone and getting into trouble because of that.

The judge sitting at the center gives me a nod. The staff leading me to the court goes to the judge and hands over my paperwork.

The judge checks the paper and calls my name, which I reply to.

Kendra told me to only respond to my name and don’t say anything even if the judge asked me. I suppose she thinks that I’m not that smart with words. But maybe it has to do with how the system works.

“So, can you tell me what happened that day?” the judge asks.

I’ve already given my statement, and Kendra told me to ignore all the other questions and pretty much don’t say anything. But it feels like...

The judge watches me, waiting for my answer. I bite my tongue to make myself stay quiet. The three judges are all looking at me, which I hate. I just want to be left alone...

It may be the longest hour, or minute, or second in my life. There were times when I got into trouble in school or at home. Father would ask who messed around, and those of us getting into trouble would try our best to put up a steel face that showed nothing.

Maybe this is how I’m supposed to behave here too. I thought I should cooperate, but maybe that’s not how I should act, weird.

My stomach twitches and my palms sweat. I bet Kendra will have it better than me when she only has two hands that can sweat while I have double the amount. There’s a load in my chest and I consciously have to try to keep breathing. I hate this...

I wriggle my toes, which may be the only body part I can move to reduce the tension in me. Maybe I have four hands, but it doesn’t mean I’m equipped for these kinds of situations.

When will this end?

The judge waits for another moment before he says, “If you have nothing to say, we’ll go with your statement and compare it with the witness at the scene.”

Maybe that’s the point. Kendra told me to shut my mouth so that no one has to repeat everything.

The judge reads a statement about what the police found at the scene, then he read a statement of a conclusion of my statement for the police. Everything sounds like exactly what happened that day. Eventually, he says, “Do you have anything to add?”

I’m going to shake my head, but... to give no response to all questions, probably means I shouldn’t nod or shake my head. I don’t understand, but maybe there’s a reason for that.

After the judge reads every single thing he is supposed to, I’m so done staring at the wooden decoration on the ceiling and the walls. These woods are the mismatch in the otherwise silver and boring courtroom. It feels like the building is trying to be new, but at the same time remembering their roots or something.

“Mr. Stek, please come with me.” The staff who led me into the courtroom gestures at the door. I guess it is time to leave.

I follow him, even though I’m half-confused because I didn’t pay attention to the judge after I made sure I was meant to ignore all questions.

But it still didn’t feel right. But Kendra did say that all they would do is to present me in front of the judge, which did sound like what just happened — I was just there, standing like a statue, to be presented.

When we are outside the courtroom, the staff gestures in the direction of the lift. “You may leave.”

“So... That’s all I have to do, right?”

“Yes, that’s all. We aren’t pressing charges, so you are free to go. Well, not free to wander in the courthouse building, but you know what I mean.”

“Okay, thank you.”

I head down the corridor to the lift, trying my best to move as quickly as I can without looking suspicious or as if I’m trying to flee from this place.

Where’s Kendra? I need to talk to her. Finally, it feels like I’m out of trouble now.

Chapter twenty-two

Chapter 22
