Page 58 of Free for Adventure

She showed the diagram to Ohno. “What does that look like to you?”

He blinked and smiled slowly. “An event centre. A small one but definitely an event centre.”

“Just for ceremonies. They can still go back to the hotels for receptions. I mean, this is just so that they can have pictures and private moments and a bit of serenity when they sign contracts or state vows.”

Ohno looked at the design. “What kind of personnel would you need?”

“Celebrant or officiant, depending on the type of ceremony. Someone to manage snacks and beverages, depending on the number of invitees. If they want the butterflies, then Exoval would be there.”

Exoval smiled. “I am liking this. Where would you be?”

She smiled. “Running logistics.”

His smile dropped. “No. You are not going to disappear into the background.”

“Sure I am. I am the least flashy member of this group. Ohno would manage the reception hall, and Dorian would... uhh... no clue.”

He grinned. “I make an excellent bouncer and can also provide a blessing to the families from the island.”

Ohno nodded. “I think this is doable. We should bring it to Kekoa and see what he thinks.”

Dorian smiled. “He would want to be the first to have a ceremony for his pack. Alohi would be delighted.”

Exoval crossed his arms. “Of course he would.”

Amby blinked. “That sounds hostile.”

Exeter shook his head. “Alohi is like an insecure dog. He’s clingy and might bite. Exoval is known as the golden omega, so it has caused some kind of feelings. Many thought that he and Kekoa would be a couple. No one took Exoval’s inclination seriously. Well, no one but Kekoa, so Exoval plays here and studies. Our family will be glad to welcome you, Amby.”

Dorian smiled. “And mine.”

Ohno chuckled. “And mine, though Ahheel will wince at how close she could have come.”

“It wouldn’t be right for her to use him to get me.” Amby caught on right away.

“No, and it would have messed up my own scheming.” Ohno smiled.

The guys started talking, and she eased out the door and found a marker for a garden. She opened the gate and walked through. Flowers bloomed everywhere, and the butterflies glided and fluttered around her. If she closed her eyes and thought of beauty, this was what she thought of.

She laughed when her arms were covered by a thin line, and a crown began to form on her head.

“So, I see it now.” Exeter nodded.

She turned slowly. “What?”

He laughed. “Butterfly beta. He has loved butterflies his entire life but not for any reason he could pinpoint. I think I am looking at his reason.”

She shrugged, but the butterflies didn’t move. “I liked them before the mark arrived. I envied their freedom and grace. I had neither.” She blinked. “Shoot, I have to get in a dance lesson. Damn. I forgot to check my camera.”

He laughed. “Still trying to carry out your assignment?”

“That is why I was here, I think. I am beginning to have my doubts.”

“So, not stupid. Good. I was worried any niece or nephew would be unintelligent. Mind you, Exoval is very smart.”

She blushed. “Right. So, what then, bait?”

“No, I believe that you, Haravin, Nerina, and Thera are all here for a reason. We have too many alphas for our population levels. Partners are necessary.”