Page 24 of Free for Adventure

Orc went into the supply room and pulled out two pieces of art: his digital and Kayak’s painting. They had been given a glimpse of their mate, and when he looked at the images focused on orcas with bright white eyes, he looked at the others.

“What are the odds?”

Kayak got off the phone with the restaurant. “I think our odds are shockingly good. She’s ours, and she’s assertive.”

Skaay grinned. “And willing to defend herself. That counts for a lot when we run a charter.”

Kayak chuckled. “Now, we see how well she can swim and how easily she spooks.”

Orc smirked. “Well, then, let’s go. I am going to double-check the tanks. So, which one of us wants to scare the hell out of her under the water?”

All three of them lifted a hand.

Orc took his hand out and said, “Rock, paper, scissors.”

They stood around until they came to a conclusion. They would take turns. They didn’t know how long she was staying, but they knew the other woman’s itinerary. The whole island did.

Thera was going to need a few trips around the island.

* * * *

Amby fixed her grip, moved her foot, and pushed upward.

Dorian was near her. “Almost there. Keep going.”

“Yeah.” She grunted. “That was the plan. How is the drone doing?”

“It’s keeping up.”

“Remind me to switch the batteries before we descend.”

“Yes, Amby. Keep moving.”

She grunted again, and her reaching hand hit air. Dorian caught her and pulled her up the last four feet.

He set her down, and she gently scooted away from the edge. She panted and flopped back in an undignified starfish. “So, you do that for fun?”

“I do that for a job. I am watching you for fun.” He stood above her and blocked the sun from blinding her. “You need to switch the batteries.”

“Oh, right.” She groaned as she sat up. “Illu is going to be pissed. I can barely move.”

“You are taking dance?”

“Yes, it is on the list.”

“I am going to want to see this list eventually. What else is on it?”

“Tomorrow, I get a break by heading to the butterfly gardens. The following day I am snorkelling near a reef.”

“What then?”

“I might spend a day with my cousin, and the following day, I have to make plans to leave and return home.”


“Because I don’t have a job here, and only my first few adventures were covered by the project. We won’t know how well-received it is until late tomorrow. That is when my first full day gets posted.”

“Where is this being posted?” He pulled the phone out of his climbing vest.