Illu said, “That is quite the tattoo.”
“Isn’t it? I am still getting used to it.”
“What do the motifs mean?” Illu’s question was innocent.
Amby looked at Hara. “I am sure I will find out eventually. All right, back to the torture.”
Amby’s arms moved, her bare feet slid, and her hips rocked.
Illu said, “You have to move your hips more. Come on, a pretty girl like you must have had her hips rocked a time or two.”
Amby shook her head. “No, but I am working on it.”
Hara remained and watched her learn to dance as the first challenge for her time on the island. When Illu called an end to the hour, Amby stretched and got her camouflage back on.
Hara asked, “Can you come to the palace for dinner?”
“No. I am here to have five days in the tourist area, but after that, I can come for a day or so until you get tired of me. Then, it is off to the next islands.” Amby turned off her equipment and started breaking everything down. “Tonight, it is quick food and then some night market and then bed. Tomorrow, I climb that waterfall.”
Hara chuckled. “Seriously? We can do that here?”
Illu smiled as she made notes. “We were adventure tourism before folks realized that we were sex-positive. Then, all bets were off, and more folks show up here to get their backs blown out than you could imagine. We have a ridiculously high alpha population. I am not complaining. I have a set of my own that I tried out first.”
Amby just blinked.
Illu winked. “I am old, not dead. But frankly, alphas are good at making money, defense, and sex. May as well let them feel useful.”
Amby chuckled. “Well said. I am on my way to my assigned quarters.”
Illu asked, “Where are you sleeping?”
“The Ocean Facing Manor?”
“I will take you. My brother-in-law runs it, and he has been mentioning an interview.”
“That would be me.” Amby chuckled and raised her hand.
She put her cameras carefully away, heaved her pack up, and grabbed her backpack. “Lead away, Illu. Hara, call me if you have time. You know where I will be.”
Hara smiled. “Your number is in my new phone. So, yes. I am very curious about the night market.”
Amby grinned. “Perhaps I will see you there.”
Amby hugged Hara and headed off with Illu.
Illu smiled at her with a slight wrinkling at the corners of her eyes and lips. “So, do you know what you are in for here on Wonder?”
“No. I think that is the idea. I am supposed to learn what actual freedom is all about.”
Illu nodded. “This is the place for that. As long as no harm comes to those around you, you can do what you like here.”
“What about harm coming to me?”
“You aren’t as protected as a citizen, but there is recourse if you need it.”
They were walking through the village, and Illu walked her to the coastal side. She walked Amby up to the manor and the front desk, where a man was frowning at the computer.
“Ohno. I have a guest for you.”