Page 11 of Vicious Rule

He strolls out of my office like some conquering hero. He hasn’t won, though.

I sit down on my bed and begin to write out a note for him. It’s not the list he’s expecting, but too bad.

A few minutes later, I find Andre standing guard outside the room where the party is still going strong. He smiles at me like he’s eagerly awaiting the moment when he’ll see me inside having a good time like the rest of Alex’s guests.

“Time to party, Sasha?”

I shake my head and stuff my note into his shirt pocket. “Give that to Alex in two hours. Two hours, Andre. Okay?”

His smile fades as he nods his understanding. “Okay. Two hours it is. Any other message?”

“No. He’ll understand when he reads the note. Don’t look at it. It’s private.”

“Got it. No peeking. You going in?”

I shake my head again and turn to walk away. “No. Have a good night, Andre.”

Now I just have to get away before Alex figures out what I’m up to.



Nico laughs at my story about women being completely irrational creatures and tosses back the last of his drink. “Most I’d agree, but I don’t think you can say that about your woman, can you? I’ve found Sasha very level-headed.”

Someone knocking on my office door interrupts us, and I tell whoever it is to come in. Andre strolls in with a big smile on his face and something in his hand.

“Sasha told me to give you this note, sir.”

Looking across my desk at Nico, I chuckle. “Speak of the devil herself.”

I take the piece of paper and open it to find not the list I instructed her to write up but a note telling me she’s left the villa to have a few days off and is going to see Gideon and Aria. As the words float before my eyes, I can barely focus I’m so pissed.

“When did she give you this?” I bark at the guard who looks utterly terrified at the sound of my voice.

“Two hours ago,” he quickly answers. “She told me to give it to you exactly two hours ago. She was very specific about that.”

I can’t see straight I’m so enraged. “Where is she?” I shout.

Andre shakes his head. “I don’t know. The last I saw her she was walking away from the party. I asked her if she was going in, but she said no.”

Fuck! I told her I’d send someone to get her things, and she still disobeyed me. She’s running back to that asshole brother of mine. I know it.

“Find her! If she’s here, I want to see her!” I snap at Andre, and he hurries out of my office.

Nico stands and gives me a look of pity. Fucking great! Not only has my assistant run back to her former boyfriend, but now my business partner knows I have no goddamned control over the woman who’s supposed to be mine.

He doesn’t say a word before silently walking out, leaving me to my rage, which is growing by the second. When I find her, she better hope I’m in a better mood.

The lobby of my brother’s hotel looks the same as it did the last time I was here. That day I got to gloat about taking Sasha. I knew he didn’t want her to leave, but she chose to come with me.

That was then and this is now. Then I had the right to be smug. Now all I am is fucking pissed.

God, I hate this marble floor. The one I have in my orgy room looks great, but in this goddamned lobby, it looks like shit. Always has from the day he had it put in. I should have made sure to bleed all the fuck over it that time he sucker punched me so he had to replace the whole fucking thing.

I half expect her to be standing around hanging on every damn word Gideon utters like she used to. Swiveling my head left and right, I scan the lobby but she’s nowhere to be found.

Fucking fabulous. That means I’m going to have to deal with my brother.