Gideon rolls his eyes. “Aria isn’t a homicidal maniac.”
Again, I elbow him. “And Alex isn’t a gorgeous woman, but we can’t all be perfect, now can we?”
“Are you happy, Sasha? That’s all I ever cared about. If you’re happy, then I can accept anything you decide to do.”
I smile and take a deep breath before blowing it out in a rush. “I know this sounds crazy, but he does make me happy, and I think I make him happy.”
After hesitating for a few seconds, Gideon wraps his arms around me in a hug that takes me back to all those times we were there for one another. “If you’re happy, that’s all that matters. Maybe being with you will mean he’s not such a bastard. I might name my first born after you if you could accomplish that feat.”
“That works since it’s both a girl’s and a boy’s name,” I tease, thrilled my best friend approves of my being with his brother.
But then Gideon turns serious, and his expression darkens. “Just promise me you’ll be careful, Sasha. He’s not like me, and maybe that’s why you had no problem leaving, but he takes risks that could hurt you. Just be careful, okay?”
“I will. And for the record, I agonized over leaving the hotel, Gideon. That place was my life, and you were the dearest friend I had. We went through a lot together, so don’t ever think I didn’t care about leaving you or the hotel. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
That makes him smile, and I remember the man I loved for so long. “Promise me you’ll come to see Aria and me more. Our child deserves to see his or her godmother.”
His surprise announcement that I’m to be a godmother thrills me, but I quickly ask, “Will Alex be the godfather?”
“Would that make you happy?”
“Yes. He’d be the perfect godfather. He already has the act down pat,” I joke.
“Assuming Aria is okay with it, he can be the godfather. God, I hope I don’t regret this. He’ll probably teach my son all the bad habits he has.”
“What if it’s a girl?”
Pure terror fills Gideon’s dark eyes. “I don’t even want to think about what he’d do with a girl. I better not or I’m going to change my mind.”
My bedroom door opens and Alex stands glaring at his brother. “Change your mind about what, little brother?”
Gideon looks at me and rolls his eyes. “I’m not sure he’s up for the job, but because you want it, I’ll live up to my word. Come see us soon, Sasha. The hotel isn’t the same without you.”
I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck as I whisper, “Thank you, Gideon. I will.”
He walks past Alex still staring daggers at him and pats him on the shoulder. “Nice seeing you again, big brother. Let’s never do this again, okay? Oh, and when it comes time for the christening, do not wear all black. It makes you look like a goddamned thug.”
For one of the few times with them, Alex doesn’t respond but simply looks at his brother oddly like he doesn’t understand. When the door closes, he slowly walks over to my bed and stops beside it.
“So what was that all about?”
I pat the bed next to me. “Sit. You look like you need to relax.”
He sits, but I get the sense he’s uncomfortable. Is it because Gideon was here with me? Or has something happened?
“Talk to me, Alex. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
I wonder if he’s being charged by the word. He says he’s fine, but he’s clearly upset about something. I need to find out what.
“This doesn’t look like you’re fine. Maybe some good news would make you happy. You’re going to be a godfather.”
That makes him turn his head and give me an odd look. “A godfather? Is this a business thing?”
“No. This is a baby thing. Gideon wants us to be the child’s godparents. Isn’t that cool?”
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and then he smiles. “Oh, that’s what the don’t wear all black to the christening thing meant. A godfather, huh? Seems to me that’s exactly what a godfather would wear.”