Page 19 of Vicious Rule

At first, I thought maybe I was having some problem and maybe I couldn’t have sex even though my dick was all for it. So I started having the parties that quickly turned into nightly orgies just to test if that was the case.

It wasn’t.

I had no problem fucking anyone I chose. A parade of gorgeous women all there for my pleasure, and they have no idea it was little more than a science experiment at first.

Then it just became habit because what man wouldn’t enjoy fucking a bevy of beautiful women every night? I mean, come on. I’m only human.

After a week or so, Sasha said she wanted to enjoy herself, which immediately made me more jealous than I’ve ever been in my whole damn life. I practically saw red at the mere mention of her having sex with someone else. Like really saw red and couldn’t fucking focus at the simple thought of her with another man.

So I said she could do only women.

For a while, that worked. She likes girls, and it was fun to watch for a few times. But then they started to make me jealous too. Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense. I never said it did. I just knew that had to stop too, so by the end of the first month of her working for me, all I said she could do at the parties was watch.

I half expected her to fight me on that, but she never did. She really is my right hand. No wonder that asshole brother of mine liked having her around. She’s all about being the worker you want, and that’s great.

Except for the fact that I can barely think when she’s around, but when she left and ran back to that damn hotel with my fucking brother, I found out I couldn’t do a thing when she’s not around.

Talk about a Catch-22. I can barely function when she’s right next to me, but when I thought I might never see her again, I turned into a goddamned mess who couldn’t function at all.

I’ve never been this way with a woman. Christ, women have only served one purpose for me. Smiling, I think of another purpose as good as sex.

Making my brother miserable.

Hell, that might feel even better than fucking. Sex is momentary, and I tend to forget about it a few minutes after. Seeing my brother miserable after I stole a girl from him when we were younger lasted for weeks and even months.

You can’t put a price on that kind of satisfaction.

“What’s that smile for?” Sasha asks as I press on the gas to get through the last leg of our ride home as quickly as possible.

I look over at her and shrug. “Just happy.”

“Really?” she asks in disbelief. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sitting in silence and smiling. It’s so not you.”

“Well, I was thinking of something from when I was a teenager. That’s what made me smile.”

As soon as I finish saying that, I know what she’s going to ask next. Something I don’t want to tell her. She’s still way too defensive about that brother of mine.

“What was it?”

I lie, not interested in hearing her say my behavior toward Gideon was wrong. I don’t care. “Just something from school. A few friends and I went out one night and had a good time. Nothing big. Just kid shit.”

That makes her laugh. “I can’t imagine you as a kid. It’s just not something that fits with what I know about you.”

Glancing over at her as I steer the car in the left lane to pass another car, I say, “You know, I didn’t come out this size as a full adult. I was a kid for a while.”

“I know,” she says with a giggle. “That’s silly. See right there, that sounds like something a kid would say. You’re never like that, so I have a hard time thinking about you as a child.”

“Trust me. I was a great kid.”

She doesn’t say anything to that, but I can practically hear her roll her eyes, so I add, “I was. Ask my mother and father.”

“I notice you didn’t say ask your brother, who I can easily just talk to by calling him.”

My mood turns sour at the very mention of him. No, she shouldn’t ask him anything about me as a child. Dear old Gideon will likely tell her every bad thing I’ve ever done, accentuating how rotten I was to him while making himself out to be a perfect angel.

She has no idea. She’s also far too fond of my brother to hear the truth.

So I change the subject. “When we get back to the villa, I want you to send Andre and Falconi to me. I want to talk to them.”