“You know, I see what you get out of this, but what do I get for my performance as the beautiful and loyal girlfriend to Alex Rule?” I ask, curious to know what benefit he thinks is in this for me.
With his undeniable charm, he answers, “You get to spend even more time with me.”
Alex eases his arm around my waist to guide me toward the door as I say, “Oh, great. More time with a man who surrounds himself with guns, drugs, and violence. What more could a girl ask for?”
He stops when I finish talking and turns me to face him. His face deadly serious, he says, “You know I would never let anything hurt you, don’t you? I wouldn’t do that, Sasha. I guess looking back I haven’t been a very good boss, but I would never let anyone or anything hurt you. Not then and not now.”
“I know,” I say, a bit taken aback by his emotionally charged words right now.
“I mean it. I swear on my life nothing and no one will ever hurt you. The safest place in the world is right by my side.”
“Then you’ll come back to the villa?”
With a nod and a smile, I agree. “If you live up to your part of the deal.”
Alex cringes but nods too. “Fine. Forced celibacy. If that doesn’t make me boss of the year, I don’t know what does.”
“I’ll make sure to get you a mug that says just that,” I say with a smile.
He throws me a dirty look and grumbles, “Now let’s get the hell out of here and back home where we belong.”
I don’t say anything to that because I’m not sure I belong with him or at the villa, but I’ll take him at his word that he’s going to do as I asked and he’ll keep me safe. Alex Rule is many things, including a liar by his own admission, but he’s never been a man who didn’t live up to his promises.
Sasha and I drive back to the villa in almost total silence as a single thought fills my brain. No more women. How the fuck did I agree to that? What the hell am I? A priest? Men sleep with women. It’s the natural order of things.
Men fuck women, and women fuck men. Or whatever they want to fuck. I don’t care. Hell, I’ve enjoyed watching Sasha with women more than once.
So why the hell is she so all fired up about both of us giving up sex?
If I didn’t need her so much, I would have told her she was out of her fucking mind and stormed out of my brother’s office at the first mention of me giving up banging women. That shit is pure craziness, and now I’m stuck neck deep in sexless madness.
It’s not only that I need her. Yes, I do, but more than that, I like having Sasha around. She’s like a prize I get to show off that I won and my brother lost.
At least that’s what I’ve always told myself until Nico mentioned how he wanted her. From that second on, I haven’t been able to think about Sasha the same way as I always have. Until that moment the other day, she was something I took from Gideon, the latest in a long line of people and things I made sure he couldn’t have.
And then in a flash, Sasha became much more.
The mere thought of Nico Olivetti even touching her makes my blood boil. Who the fuck does he think he is coming into my home and saying he wants her for his own? I agree to go into business with the motherfucker, and he decides to pick Sasha as his prize?
No way. Sasha’s mine. I stole her away from Gideon, and nobody but me can have her.
Except as much as I’ve wanted her since the moment I knew I won, I haven’t done a thing in that area. Not that I haven’t thought about it. Oh, I’ve thought about fucking her every damn day and night. I don’t have those fucking parties simply because I like to have people parading through my house every damn night.
No, those parties are what I use to take the edge off. I want her so fucking much it hurts sometimes, but since I can’t have her, I fuck other women in the hopes I can take my mind off Sasha.
It never works. Most of the time I end up watching her as I’m doing some woman. That’s the reason I force her to stay at the parties and watch my guests. I don’t think any of them are up to anything but banging as many people as possible. I just want her to be there. It’s like if I can see her, then I can pretend whoever I’m with is her.
Why haven’t I just had her and fixed this problem? Good question. The answer isn’t as great, though.
I don’t know. I want her. I know that. Fuck, my cock knows that better than any other part of my body. I’m constantly hard as a rock when she’s around, which is all the time since I’m never happier than when she’s by my side.
Still, I don’t do a damn thing.