Page 80 of Wolf.e

“Where are we at?” I ask at Chapel the next night.

“I think I have something,” Jake says. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

I nod, letting him know he has the floor.

“At the Glen Eden rally, there will be a lot of HOH members there. We wanna patch DOS over, right? That’s still the plan?”

I nod. “I don’t want to kill them all, some of them will be useful. Only their piece of shit president and probably their VP, just because he’ll be gunning for us if we don’t take him out. It should be an easy patch over after that. We’ll take a page from their books if we have to, but their kids are off limits.” I turn to Kai.

“I think the rally will be the perfect place to talk to Otis about helping us,” Jake says, mentioning the president of our sister club the Titans.

“I agree. You get everything on them?” I ask Kai. He understands I mean the DOS members.

‘I’m working on it. But yeah.”

“Good. I say we take out their clubhouse,” I tell the table. “Can we get some ANFO?” I ask Jake. If anyone knows how we can get our hands on enough ammonium nitrate and fuel oil to take the building down, it’s him. “I don’t want C4. Don’t want to risk any damage to any of the buildings around the club house. It’s in a populated part of Savannah, we’ll do it in the middle of the night, and we’ll scope it for a few weeks to make sure there are no surprises.”

He nods. “Easily. I know just the guy.”

“Okay, we’ll start scoping them. I wanna know everything these fuckers are going to do over the next month. We can’t be too quick; they’ll expect a fast retaliation. We have to be smart.” I look at each one of my men. “Smarter than them, got it? Then we take their building down, take out their piece of shit president. Cut their Achilles heel.”

They all nod.


“What are you doin’ with Brinley?” Ax asks me. “Lay wants to see her.” He shrugs. “She’s pissed that she’s basically gonna be on house arrest until this shit is over.”

I know Ax has told Layla she’s only clear to go to the wellness center, where she works as a massage therapist, and home again if she has an escort or she’s with him. All the girls will be in the same boat. We can’t take any chances.

“Brinley’s at my house,” I tell him. Every eye in the room lands on me as I say it. I look back at all of them, one at a time.

“Your house?” Kai smirks.

“I know what you’re all thinking. I’m keeping her there. I won’t discuss it.”

Jake chuckles, and the rest of the table nods.

“How do we all feel about Pres connecting with his human side?” Kai asks the table.

They all start hooting and pounding the table in response.

Ax pats me on the shoulder. “Welcome to the dark side, man.”

“Fuck off,” I grunt.

“We’ll protect her like we do you, boss,” Ax says seriously.

I nod and snap the gavel down, smirking back at them.

When I’m done with her, she’ll be able to protect them.

“The first part of self-defense is always knowing more than your attacker,” I tell Brinley two hours later.

We’re in the gym after a difficult hour at the shooting range where Brinley effectively missed every single target. I expected that. It took me forty minutes to get her to even pull the goddamn trigger.

What I didn’t expect was the darkness that lives in this woman runs deeper than I thought. When she finally did fire, all I could do was stand back and watch.

Brinley didn’t stop until the fucking mag was empty. Then she turned to me, chest heaving, determination lining her face and demanded, “Again.”