“What are you doing to me?” he asks, his voice ragged and almost as breathless as mine.
I look into his eyes and test him further, remembering Layla’s words. It’s my body he wants, it’s me that he is aching for. I find my power and arm myself with it. I look down, then back up at him.
“Please…” I whimper like I can’t wait for him to devour me.
He growls into me, and I feel it, the moment he gives in and his control completely snaps, falling along with every inhibition I have to the floor below.
“Fuck it—”
He barely gets the words out before his lips come crashing down on mine, the same way they did in the woods but this time, he doesn’t stop. Gabriel slides his hands out from under my hair to either side of my jaw in one fluid, intentional moment, tilting my face for better access, his tongue slinks inside and moves in a languid pace with mine to taste every corner of my mouth. This kiss is full of a passion I can’t explain. It’s lips, tongues, and teeth. With it he claims me, kissing me like there’s no such thing as time. And I realize, I’ve never really been kissed before.
No other man should count.
I wrap my arms around his shoulders, feeling the muscles ripple under his shirt, and I long to feel his skin, his naked body pressed to mine. I slide my hands up and fist them in the hair at the nape of his neck. I pull tight, and he groans into my mouth. I can’t get close enough, I desperately grasp and pull at him, forcing him closer. I sink right into him like his body was made to house mine, but there’s no place I can burrow that gives me what I need. Gabriel kisses me so deeply that I don’t know how long it’s been since my last breath, and I don’t care. Let me die like this in his arms. Let this high last forever. Hands slide back into my hair—seconds later? Minutes? I have no idea.
He tips his forehead to mine.
“Hide well, little hummingbird. When I find you, I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
Gabriel’s breaths come as quickly as mine and my more sadistic side that I’m just discovering loves that I make him as uncontrolled as he makes me. A deep rumble courses through his chest, and he lets go of me abruptly, leaving me barely able to stand. His hands fall at his sides. I see his fists clench and his jaw tense.
“Run,” Gabriel commands once more, and then I’m flying.
I take off through the house as fast as my feet will carry me, almost tripping up the stairs as I go, my heart pounding in my chest. I think of every space I could hide as I run, listening to hear if he’s broken his word, all the while I count. Twenty-four, twenty-five… knowing my time is limited. I push open every door as wide as they can go, so he won’t know which room I’ve entered, and then make my way to the last bedroom at the end of the hall., It’s small, unassuming, and quiet. Thirty-eight… thirty-nine…
I slide a rocking chair away from the wall just enough to get behind it and twist the handle I know is hiding in the wall paneling, opening the secret entrance to the old storage room in the attic. I carefully close the door behind me with shaky hands. Forty-six… forty-seven… My heart feels like it might beat out of my chest as I move like flames are chasing me, climbing up the stairs, knowing exactly where to go. I’m utterly terrified but somehow want him to find me all at the same time. Fifty-one… fifty-two…
I reach the top of the attic stairs, pausing to catch my breath as I quickly scan the room where my nana kept all her old belongings. I glance around, trying to determine the most inconspicuous spot. I slide over the top of my nana’s cedar chest and crouch down behind it in the darkest part of the attic. Fifty-six… fifty-seven… I’m lightheaded and alive with need and desire. The thrill of waiting consumes me as I count the final seconds until my wolf comes to hunt me… Fifty-eight… fifty-nine…
I watch her form disappear up the stairs in the dark house and I suddenly find myself at war with my own nature, fighting to give her the head start I promised. The beast in me pushes back against its chains, wanting to take her flesh between its teeth, tear into her heat and claim all of her. I’ve never been so hard. I’ve never been so desperate for any single thing in my entire life as I am right now, at this moment, for Brinley Rose Beaumont. The entire world could go up in flames around us, and I’d still find her and fuck her without pause until we both burned to cinders.
I glance out the back window of her house, watching the sun slowly dip below the fields on the horizon. The sixty seconds I gave her pass agonizingly slow as the patter of her feet sound from above me. The noise quiets, then disappears, and suddenly I’m bolting up the stairs behind her, positive this woman is making me lose my mind. I launch myself up them three at a time, following the trace of her jasmine scent that still lingers in the hall. I look to my left. The hallway lined with bedrooms is too easy, and the sun is disappearing quickly as I make the snap decision to run to the other end of the hall. I enter a bedroom there and pause, listening before exiting and continuing my search. There’s no sound, my little hummingbird has found her hiding spot. Wherever she is now, she’s not going to be there long.
I move through the space, my training taking over and I become light on my heavy feet. When I get to the last door at the end of the hall, it's open—the same as all the others. My gut tells me she’s there and I never doubt my gut. I make my way in and stop to listen for the sound of her breath, a rustling of fabric, anything, but again I hear nothing. I look around the room as the last hint of the sun slips below the horizon. I start to leave, but something gives me pause and that’s when I see it, a small handle in the panelling. A secret door, perhaps?
I make my way there and open it, a stairway leads up to the attic and I instantly know she is up there. It isn’t lost on me that she hid where the only way out is through me.
I take those stairs just as quickly as the last, I’m not quiet about it, she has nowhere to go. She sucks in a sharp breath when I reach the top.
“Your scent calls to me, Brinley, there’s not a space in this house you could hide.” I smirk, knowing she’s unleashed something in me that can’t be contained now.
I get to Brinley in less then three steps under the stairs behind an old cedar chest. I wrap my hand in her hair and drag her out by it. She comes easily and I press her face first against the wood wall, she reaches behind and begins to claw at me, slap me, anything she can. I press my cock into her ass, letting her know I’m about to violate her. It’s the only warning I give. I crush her with my weight, taking over her space.
She’s grunting, kicking, trying hard to reach any part of me. It only makes me harder.
“Found you, little bird,” I say gruffly into her ear with a tone of finality. I breathe her in, turning my face into her neck, placing my open mouth over the furious thrum of her pulse. She stops flailing and I feel the sting from where her nails gnashed into the skin of my forearms.
I pull my knife from its sheath and trail the back side of the blade up the back of her thigh. She whimpers when she feels it. The mix of pleasure and pain in her little noises makes my cock throb against my jeans.
I slide the knife under Brinley’s flimsy linen shorts and with a sharp flick of my wrist, I slice upward until I tear through every last inch of them, they fall to the floor as I replace my knife in its sheath, pressing my chest into her back to hold her in place against the wall.
Brinley moans as I slide my hand over the soft globe of her ass and squeeze, hard. My hand comes down, laying a tight slap to her cheek and she yelps when she feels it. She calms as I smooth my palm over the sting and slide my other hand up into her hair. I can barely make out my handprint in the dimly lit attic but fuck, what I can see, makes me feral.
I spin her around and press her back into the wood, biting her lower lip and sucking it into my mouth, licking and tugging on it. My tongue slips inside and strokes hers, playing with her, knowing now that I’ve really kissed her, there will never be a day where I don’t.
She melts into me almost instantly, her lips become pliant against mine as she lets me take her mouth. My cock twitches and strains further with every swipe of her tongue. She moans and whimpers as I slide my hands over her body, kneading every inch of skin I can, bringing her closer in every way possible. Brinley inches her needy pussy into my cock, her tense muscles loosen as she starts slowly molding into me. She picks up the pace, her tongue meeting mine and challenging me to keep up. She lets me claim her mouth as I kiss her, bite her, and then lick over the pain, all the while she trembles beneath my hold.