Page 52 of Wolf.e

“You’re not safe because you’re mine, not because of what you saw,” he says.

My pulse accelerates with his words and proximity. Of course Gabriel notices. He focuses on the flutter in my neck and then looks back up at me in question.

“What scares you? When I say that you’re mine or that you aren’t safe?” he asks in a low voice.

“Both.” I gulp. “I’m not sure what scares me more. Being with you or being away from you,” I answer honestly.

Gabriel’s eyes move down to my lips. His Adam’s apple bobs and tension lines the scruff of his jaw. He leans down, and his lips brush mine.

Just a single second of his soft kiss breathes life into every cell in my body. I’m alive and singing as he lingers for one more moment, then backs away. It takes me yet another to open my eyes.

“Good,” is all Gabriel says before lifting himself off me and heading toward the shower. The lock of the door behind him says everything loud and clear. I am his to see, to use, to mold, however he wants.

But he’s not mine.

I breathe in deeply and lay back on the bed. I can’t even tell Layla what this is. She doesn’t know what this club is capable of. She doesn’t even know the man she married, or maybe she does but turns a blind eye?

I can’t trust you yet. Gabriel’s words repeat in my head.

I have a feeling I’m not done fighting this man yet, because there’s not a chance in hell I’ll be living in a motorcycle clubhouse. Gabriel might as well put a bullet in my head now if he thinks that’s going to happen.

“There you are!” Layla winks, her massive diamond glints on her left hand. She’s at a table in the main dining hall of the resort with the girls. This place is full. Club members are everywhere, milling about and talking. Some are piling food onto their plates from the buffet.

I head over and get myself some food, but nothing seems all that appetizing. I get juice and coffee. Ax wanders up to the table at the same time I do, we both sit on opposite sides. His eggs and bacon take up all the real estate on his plate.

“Morning, new girl,” he says like nothing happened last night. “Forgot salt and pepper, wifey.” He kisses Layla on the head and heads back to the buffet for it.

“Sleep well?” Layla asks in a low voice.

“We did not have sex,” I say to her automatically.

All four girls look up.

“Two nights and no sex?” Chantal asks. “What are you doing then?”

“I don’t know. Arguing mostly,” I answer honestly, swirling my juice in my glass.

I lean into Layla. “Can I talk to you without you asking any questions?” I whisper. She must see the look in my eyes because her expression grows serious instantly.

Layla nods and stands. “Sure, let’s go to the ladies’ room.”

As we start to walk, I see the shape of Gabriel come through the door to the dining hall but I disappear behind the bathroom door before his eyes lock with mine.

“You’re scaring me, Brin. Are you okay?” she asks the moment we get behind the safety of the door.

I break. It’s unstoppable. The tears start to come. She pulls me in close and hugs me tight.

“What happened? Did he hurt you? I’ll fucking kill him if he did.”

“No.” Not really, anyway… not that I didn’t enjoy.

“Then what?”

I sniff. “I can’t say. I just need a hug, I think.”

“Brin. Did you see something that scared you?”

“You don’t know, Lay? What they… do? You really don’t?” I ask, knowing I’m going to be in trouble for even bringing it up.