I nod like a nervous schoolgirl.
“You aren’t some weak woman who got tricked into anything with Wolfe. If you were attracted to him, that’s okay. If I’m guessing right, and I know I am by the way, you kept looking at him last night too. It was hot, whatever happened—”
“Her really good orgasm she definitely didn’t have.” Amber giggles.
I look at her and half smile in defeat. These girls are just so free and although I’m not used to it, it’s kind of nice not having to feel bad about myself all the time or trying to be ‘better’ because I think someone expects more from me. It’s nice to be me, mistakes and all.
“It was really, really good,” I give, and all four girls laugh hysterically.
“You deserve it. You don’t have to worry about it being weird at all. He isn’t the relationship type, I told you that. He isn’t going to want that from you,” Layla says.
“Hell, you’ll be lucky if he even remembers your name, new girl.” Chantel snickers. It stings me just a little even though I already knew it. But what can I expect when I just gave my body over to him so easily?
“You are coming to my wedding. I see that look on your face. Don’t think you’re getting out of it. I want you there, it’s not a mistake that you’re home now, Brin. Let’s dance, have fun, and maybe you’ll go back to your room alone, maybe you won’t. But this space”—Layla uses her hand in a circular motion to all the girls—“it’s a judgement-free zone. So you hooked up with Wolfe a little? Own it. Go home, take a shower, for God’s sake, clean yourself up, you smell like vodka. I walk down the aisle at sunset,” she says as happily as she takes a bite of toast.
I laugh, feeling oddly better.
Looking at Layla, I realize she’s right. For the first time in my life, the only person I owe an explanation to this morning is me.
“Own it,” I repeat. “Just like that, no big deal?”
“Just like that. You’ve got this,” Layla confirms. “Act like he was lucky to make you come.” She winks, and my mouth falls open as she laughs. “Embrace what you want, Brin. Stop berating yourself.”
“Okay, yes, a mistake like that is fine as long as I learn from it.” I mentally cringe, sounding just like my mother.
“Or don’t learn from it and just be glad you had fun.” Layla grins, shoving eggs into her mouth.
My phone dings and I see that my Uber is here. I smile at them and give Layla a hug, motioning goodbye to the other girls before nabbing a piece of road bacon.
“Hey, Brin, make sure you look hot,” she calls over her shoulder as I make my way to the door. “Make him eat his heart out. You have the pussy. You have the power,” Layla yells way too loudly considering the amount of people milling about.
My cheeks turn a bright shade of pink as I steal out the clubhouse door into the pouring rain and into the back of the Uber. I slink down in the seat as I greet my driver, breathing a sigh of relief as he three-point turns his way out the driveway. The last thing I see before we cross the gate is Wolfe getting out of a gunmetal black Dodge Ram with Robby, who’s holding a tray with a bunch of large sized coffees in it.
Wolfe looks right at me.
It’s obvious I’m fleeing the scene and I want to die a slow death from embarrassment. I lean back in the seat.
He’s definitely a bad decision, maybe the worst one I could make at this time in my life. But something about the way he looks at me has me wanting to make it.
Over and over again.
I pull my mask off and inspect the paint mix Kai has just tested. It’s for the Harley gas tank I’m hand-spraying a hexagon pattern on the base. We snuck into the garage to get it done before we go get Gator when his protection leaves for his Saturday whore call. Not exactly conventional when we’re planning something like we are today, but sometimes the line between keeping my legal business running while dealing with all the day-to-day of my club is a struggle.
I’m already later than I hoped because chapel ran late and I had to have a talk with Mason, reminding him he can’t kill Gator the moment we get him into the van. We need to know who gave him the order to seek out Mason’s little sister and who ransacked two of our Atlanta clinics over the last month.
We’re sure we know, but we need that confirmation so we don’t start a needless war that puts my club at risk.
“Needs more sheen,” I say to Kai, knowing exactly what my client wants. He’s fussy, and with any luck this job will be done today and be one less thing I have to worry about. “He wants it like a glossy lipstick—the exact shade his fiancée wears.” I hand him the image of the color again so he can match the sheen.
I picture the shade on Brinley’s full lips, and my cock swells at the thought. The irony isn’t lost on me that I’m usually pushing women out the door, but the one I actually let stay in my room last night snuck out and hid from me in the backseat of her Uber this morning.
Something I’ll be teaching her? She doesn’t leave until I tell her she can leave.
Kai takes the card with the lipstick shade and puts it in his coverall pocket.
“That’s fucking sick, by the way, man.” Kai nods to the work I’m doing.
Airbrushing hand drawn, intricate designs is my specialty. This one will have the beehive pattern and the Harley logo embedded into it when we're done.