Page 27 of Wolf.e

“Yeah, I’m gonna wake Robby soon and I’ll sleep for a bit.”

I nod, then stand and stretch, wondering if Brinley listened and stayed in my room. There’s a part of her that wants the darker side I can give her. I saw it in her eyes when she came all over my hand. I know now I won’t stop until I unearth it completely and absorb it all for myself. Her torn panties burn a hole in my pocket as I stake my claim.

Once I make a decision, I never waiver or ask myself why. What I know is, I want Brinley Rose Beaumont in a way I can’t comprehend, and I’m nowhere near done uncovering the darkness in her.

Ow… I open my eyes to the sound of my phone buzzing on the floor.

I think I passed out. I quickly close them when I realize it hurts to look… anywhere and I’m in a stranger’s bed. Oh my god, everything starts playing through my mind like a movie—a horror movie I let myself be a part of. I didn’t stop it, I didn’t make him stop, I wanted him. More than I’ve ever wanted a man and I have no idea why. I just know I need to get out of here.

Sorry I fell asleep in a bedroom. I don't know whose it is.

I lie, embarrassed to have been Wolfe’s toy for the night, or one of them.


Liar. Wolfe is up and, in the gym, he said you stayed in his room. Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor Miss “How could you be with a man like that?”


We didn’t have sex. I was so drunk.

I flip over quickly in a panic and realize the door is still locked. I don’t think he’s been in here since he left. My poor head is pounding but I don’t have time to think about that. I scramble. The last thing I need is for Wolfe to come back and have to do the walk of torrid shame past him to get out of here. It hits me then that I questioned Layla on her involvement with Sean, and yet I walked right into Wolfe’s room, into his trap, without question.

I pull my dress up over my still naked body. It’s only 7:30 a.m. I don’t remember anything after he left other than passing out cold in his bed. I search frantically for my panties but they’re quite literally nowhere to be found and then I remember they were torn from my body. I start to rummage through the cabinets in his small kitchen area desperate for some sort of helper for my headache, all I find are supplements, vitamins, electrolytes. Who is this man?

Everything is neat and organized. I find myself wondering if he lives here all the time. I move to his private bathroom, it's barren and neat also. I manage to score regular Tylenol in the medicine cabinet and gratefully swallow two down with a bottle of water from his compact fridge.

I throw my heels on with one hand and grab my purse with the other, flipping the comforter up to see if I can find my ruined panties. I don’t.

I open my app and order an Uber. The sooner it gets here, the better. I need to sleep, and I wanted to take my dad’s truck to Alchemy Customs. On the upside, I will have the whole day to do it because there’s no chance I’m going to this wedding. Layla is just going to have to understand.

“You don’t have to lie. I think it’s good for you to dig your heels into some life experience, and he just went into town with Robby, so you can stop looking around for him,” Layla says, thoroughly enjoying this as I walk into the main hall of the clubhouse.

The entire party from last night is cleaned up and everything is back in order. It smells like bacon and eggs. My stomach growls, but I know I have to get the hell out of here. I look around the table at the girls enjoying a leisurely breakfast.

“We did not have sex, I wasn’t lying,” I whisper-yell to her while the other three girls in her crew snicker. I check on my Uber to pull my gaze from theirs.

“But he definitely gave you a life altering orgasm,” Amber states, leaning back in her chair.

I look at her. “Do you guys just share everything? And I am being honest. No sex—none, zip, zero.” I make the zero hand motion and eye Layla’s coffee. It smells so good.

“I didn’t say sex. There’s no way you slept in that man’s bed, because no one sleeps in his bed. I actually don’t even think anyone’s ever been in his room,” Amber says as she looks at the other girls for confirmation.

“That's how you get your tits ripped off.” Maria snickers

“Exactly… so don’t tell us he didn’t make you come. Hell, there are times just looking at him almost does it for me,” Chantel says with a grin.

I don’t know why but I don’t like her talking about Wolfe like that. I have no claim on him after one orgasm. Okay, one really intense orgasm.

The best I’ve ever had.

My face contorts as I try yet again to understand what it was about him that made me leave every value and moral I’m proud of at his bedroom door.

Maria takes in the look on my face and starts laughing. “Told you.”

“Oh god.” I put my head in my hands. “Never again. Seeing him tonight will be humiliating,” I tell them as I steal a piece of Layla’s bacon and start nibbling nervously.

Layla reaches out and grabs my forearm. “Hey. Snap out of it,” she says, backhanding me in the arm.